Title: Vamos United~!!!
Summary: America and England play a friendly. Well, as friendly as it can be. ^^;
A/N: Oh, so I had the most awesome night last night, going to the DC United v. Everton international friendly. :DDD Probably the closest I'm going to get to a Premiere League game without buying an international plane ticket. ^^; I think I might have been the only one out of two people actually wearing a US world cup jersey, since every other jersey was pretty much either Everton or DC United. Freaking traitors. It rather pained me to put England in an Everton kit, seeing as I'm a stalwart Liverpool fan, but I do strive for accuracy. ^^; Oh and I am some awesome videos from the game too and have decided to share in case anyone was curious what an American football match is like. And have I ever mentioned how much I love football fans? I freaking love football fans. It's half the reason why I'm so into football in the first place. XD As you can see, I pretty much ditched my mezzanine seat in favor of bouncing around with the crowd below at half time. Oh, and I have video proof about how obnoxious we can be when we decided to replace the UK national anthem with our own words. XDD Everton, thanks for putting up with us. Really. Aaand I had a long night. So I'm just going to nap. ^^;;;
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Wow... we're obnoxious! XDD
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Bring on the drums!
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Chin up~!!
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Half-time shenanigans
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Hey~! Yankee Doodle!!
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