Title: Enlightenment Warnings: Non-explicit nudity Summary: 13 page comic. Teenage!America gets enlightened - or at least a view A/N: So, brain's still all over the place, but I hope you like this. Bit of a double entendre with the title, but this is somewhat of a throwback to this comic here. However, this current one references the Enlightenment period and great political thinkers which had a profound effect on America's growth. One in particular is John Locke, an English Empiricist. Empiricism being the theory of knowledge that knowledge arises through sensual experience. ....Wow, now I'm making this sound dirty. ^^; It's not really. Another throwback is the coffee - and the famous coffee houses of Europe, which is where many great thinkers congregated to debate/talk. The first one was in England in Oxford established in 1640. It was called Angel. Anyway, I also do this because apparently, I owe some people England's ass. ^__^