Title: Brithop
Warnings: 1980s British hip hop, crack.
Summary: America challenges England to bust some rhymes.
A/N: So uh... nearly crashed my car today thinking about England trying to rap because I was in hysterics. Then I thought to myself, "Oh that's not fair, even if England's as street as Harry Potter." So I looked up UK rap (AKA Brithop) and looked up the first song that came up. The 1980's "Ant Rap" by Adam and the Ants from their album Prince Charming.... ...It's 1980's British hip hop. I'll let you be the judge. Also, tip of the hat to
liete and her drabble with America and England in a drama theatre, which is
here. Also see if you can spot any parallels to a recent Himaruya strip. XD
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