I apologize, but this is in quickdraw mode since I have to rush and pack tonight for a weekend long road trip for my friend's B-Day. ...So meaning, yes, I did indeed draw this for the game I'm not going to be watching. T____T I love my friend, but right now I'm wondering, why did you have to be born precisely now? Or at least why do you have to live on the other side of the state? I'm missing both my games~~!!!!! DX
...Yes, I am an absolute, unrepentant football fanatic.
...You probably already noticed.
By the way, is anyone else seeing the Axis v. Allies parallels here? England is defending himself against Germany all by his lonesome, Japan's been turning some heads and kicking European arse, France and Italy are being utterly useless and America's just way off on the other side of the world bracket, doing his own thing. Too bad China and Russia aren't involved. It'd be a real party then. XD
Title: German Aggression
Warnings: Offensive slang... and cussing
Summary: England and Germany size each other up. America interrupts.
A/N: I have to admit, this idea did not originally come from me. It came from the utter brilliance of Jon Stewart and John Oliver's minds. XDDD I have embedded the clip with the joke under the cut/fakecut. What's interesting to know is that England and Germany have essentially been football rivals all the way back to 1899, even before FIFA began. And they genuinely don't like each other. ^^;;; The 1909 reference? Germany's biggest loss ever of 0-9 against England.
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