May 03, 2005 08:54
A list of things that are in between now and me becoming a senior here at this fine University establishment lol.
3 Jazz papers, which is a combined total of six pages, not to worry
kiddies no more 10 plus page papers for this year anyway
1 jazz take home exam and essay question
3 Political Science FINALS :0:0 (that is gonna sux)
and a touch up to a previous 25 page paper yeah might want to do that
so I can actually get a grade on it :/ (oh well)
now for my RA role my summer can begin, after my building is closed and all the residents are checked out, rooms are cleared by Sauc, and my shit is moved down to Phillippi. and the recovery of a hang over or two I may have, cause in case you didn't know this already, there are like 7 million people graduating next week, and I am not going to let them celebrate alone :)
I am at the Deans office working right now thinking about how I might have to get another job this summer just so I can save for next years tuition and being able to make a dent in my credit card bill. Plastic is a powerfull thing yeah know. I want to make it so that I am still able to have a summer though, be able to go out and stuff, this will be the challenge!
I am going to do the RA protfolio which is 6 credits or up to 6 as well and possibly take a summer class at SMCC Sociology is offered at night and that way I will not have to take any time off of work during the day. 5weeks 3 credits not bad I would have to say especially with tuition being less than half the price. I don't really know though for sure, just something I am leaving as an option.
Next semester I may be an intern for Senator Olympia Snowe at her home office here in Portland. I got a call last night and an interview in the office on Monday !! If I take this internship classes this summer will help me along. I figure take the internship and two classes would be 12 credits and sociology would put me at the 15 marker giving me 15 for my last semester to take and then ta-da!!! DONE.
This long and boring entry which Im sure is how u found it is just a result of me at work while everyone else is in a department meeting and I have very little to do....I guess I will start on one of those three papers I need to write. HAVE A GREAT LAST WEEK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1