why so cold halloween?!

Oct 31, 2011 14:48

It is Monday. And Halloween. (I seriously almost forgot this was even today I am so not at all in the holiday spirit.) Also, it is cold. Real, damn cold. How is it winter all of a sudden??!!

In other news, wrisomifu starts tomorrow. For those not in the know, wrisomifu is a lovely community full of angst and despair support for writers. And people who procrastinate and clean their homes/walk the dog/eat food/wander the streets/lurk online when they're supposed to be writing. Allegedly. Signups are open here until midnight EST if you want to punish yourself join in!

I am plugging along on four, yes I said four (wtf?!), long-ass fics so that'll keep me busy this November. Ugh.

wrisomifu, writing

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