Sep 29, 2004 21:08
What do you do when you're successful at what you do, but don't like what you do or where you are in life?
And this folks is my great dilemma. At least it's been as of late.
With the new job comes freedom. At least in financial and time terms.
I may super good money now, have a slack job, get a free brand new truck every year (gas and insurance paid), but I don't like myself or what I have become.
I like myself way better when I was idealistic and didn't have to be a grown-up.
I made some stupid decisions and have to live like this to pay for them for a little while so I can regain my ultimate freedom: my mind and space.
Maybe it's fall that does this to people too.
Well, not maybe, it is. What I should have backspaced and wrote was that maybe this is the only reason I'm feeling this way.
And I realize this only has to do with work and work/personal things because I have a great gal which I'm crazy over and she makes me feel like she feels the same way, the rest of my life is all right. I'm just having problems with corporate reality.
I wanna be a part of the SSJ. Who wants to join?
I have to stay and earn the money I make by doing next to nothing so I can pay off my debts (hopefully one year) then if I work and save for a year, I'll have a decent amount of money that will let me take a couple of years off, then go to school. Or I'll get addicted to the money and waste away like everyone else.
I don't want to be brainwashed.
you shouldn't either.