Telling Him Goodbye

Jan 25, 2010 22:02

Title: Telling Him Goodbye
Pairing: KangTeuk [broken] YeTeuk.
Raiting: PG
Summary: Kangin reads the letter Leeteuk wrote him, right before he left him.
Genre: Angst

Leeteuk slammed down the pencil holding in his tears. The pain in his stomach grew as he signed the letter. He looked up letting a single tear run down his cheek. He hung his head slightly letting a sharp pain roll up his spine. A door creeped open, as Leeteuk looked up Yesung stared at him, with the warm clueless smile that stole his heart.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yesung asked handing him an envelope.

"It has to get done." Leeteuk grabbed the envelope and placed the letter inside. He licked the top, and sealed it. On the top of the envelope's pure white surface, Leeteuk wrote the strong name, and memory in a deep red pen: Kangin.


Kangin rolled into his apartment smiling hoping to see Leeteuk sitting on the couch staring at him. But when he opened his eyes from the everlasting blink, Kangin had to hold back the tears. A single envelope lay by the picture frame that had all of them standing in a row. Leeteuk's hand safely in his, but an arm held Leeteuk's waist. Kangin traced the arm back and cried seeing it was Yesung who was smiling just as big as he was.

Kangin walked slowly grabbing the enevelope that would now haunt him. The envelope was damp in some places, and the red pen ruined the perfect white surface. Kangin ripped the top of the letter. Seeing his handwriting killed him even more then he thought it would.


Do I even  have a right to call you that anymore? I can't say I do. I know you walked into your place hoping to see me here, but I'm sorry I'm not here. I'm sorry I'm causing you so much pain. I never thought it would be like this. I've loved the last years I've spent with you. Every memory as strong as the next, ereasing my painful past, allowing me to move on. But as it has been aware to you, I maybe moving on. I know I promised I'd be with you forever, and I'd try to work it all out with you, but I dont think that is possible. I know when you see me with him your stomach hurts, and your head begins to race. I know when we're all sitting around you see me and the thought of him beign with me haunts you. I know that when you think about it, you think that he has everything you want, and don't have. I'm sorry. I cannot begin to explain how this all happened. Something about Yesung began to pop. I'm sorry it feels like I left you right when everything was slowly working out. I"m sorry for using you and leading you on. I hope to God you find someone that will make you happy, that will treat you better than I ever could. I hope to know that I will always be with you in some way, shape or form. I hope that you'll be able to say the same, but I never want these memories to haunt you. I want you to be okay with this. I will do anything in my power to keep promises I've made to you. I'll always be there for you Kangin. Please don't think I'm deserting you. I still love you, just not like that. Thank you for everything.
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