hmm.....And now, I shall catch up my live journal friends to my deadjournal. Ooo, that's a whole TWO PEOPLE! *gasp!!!*
I thought I'd toss this article up, just cause...well, you know. It struck me as thought provoking. I hope you actually read it. it was kinda cool.
(written: 4-21)
Yes, so I asvance further into the depths of Kingdom Hearts. Speacial thanks to Mark (who will NEVER read this, I fear), who helped me through the Riku-Ansem battle. And the little thing that Sora did there.....I SO called it! Rock on self. Heh heh. But awww!!! So cyute. I shall stop there....I must go back to playing it after dinner or um.....after homework. Yes, homework. Riiiight.....
cut for your friends page veiwing pleasure....
Yes, I know you've ALL been awaiting it....generally, I have to say that I am QUITE surprised at how good it was. But I am a HORRIBLY biased girl...I mean, face it, I love Gackt. I am ALL ABOUT the pretty sexy men in this movie, and there are THREE biiiiiiiishie bish men-Gackt, Hyde (of L'arc En C'iel fame) and this Chinese actor(or Tiwanese? not sure), Wang Leehom. Oh yeah, and the three sexy men are all singers too.... *goes and buys MASSIVE amounts of L'arc now, WAHAHAHAHA*
On the men themselves....Gackt-His sexy talk show voice is shed for this movie, and we are treated to a silly Gackt. Seriously, the man is HILARIOUS. Sure, he's funny on Utaban (BUTA BERA!!! HAHAHAHA), but he's pretty funny in this movie too. And he....should NEVER EVER be in a death scene. Well, he should never DIE in a death scene. Not cause he is our beloved Gackt, but because he is the KING OF RUINING THE ANGSTY MOMENT WITH HIS BAD DEATH ACTING. Just...the way he convulsed....well, anyway, I'll get there.
Hyde.....Ooooo, that boy is going to blow away in the wind. I'd say let's snuggle him,but we'd break him. AND HE HAS WINGS TATTOOED ON HIS BACK AHHHH!!! I love him. Seriously, I've changed my mind about Alex now. Alex def. looks more like Hyde in Moonchild then he'll EVER look like Gackt. The whole waify thing adds to it too. Heehee, Alex with wings tattooed on his back? How cyute would that be? Ruka might be amused. but.... "Unchosen angels have no need for wings." *sighs*
Wang just pretty. He was the "bad guy" of the movie. Why? I dunno. Ask Gackt, he helped write the movie. HAHA. Very nice feelow to look at.
As to the movie....a summary (cause I'm guessing that some of you may never see it till I get my grubby little paws on it via kaazaa or friends or Japan)
We start off with two vamps-Kei(Hyde) and Kei's sire. They are running away from the authorities. The year, according to my program, is 1888. I'm not buying that. Anyway, Kei and his sire run to a beach, where Kei's sire is all like "It's time for me to die Kei, byebye." And so, Kei's sire dies in a ball of flames in the sunset. The effects of this are pure cheese. Heh. Then, Kei starts smoking. And run off.
Flash forward to the year 2004. We meet chibi Sho and two of his brother and a friend. They rob a guy, who then follows them to thier hideout, but not before chibi Sho finds a sexy yet rather rough looking "let me die please" Kei. Sho tries to steal his watch, then Kei growls, then, the sun hits Kei, and he begins to smolder. So Sho drags him back to thier hideout. The guy they robbed comes back, shoots Sho's bro in the back (the bastard!), and while Sho and his other friend RUN, Kei decides it's snack time, and byebye guy they stole from. Sho witnesses Kei feeding, and says to him "Aren't you scared?" Sho just smiles.
Now, in this freaky place called Mallepa, in the year 2014, we have Sho(now played as an adult by the sexy Gackt with the unsexy braided ponytail) shooting up gangsters with his sexy Vampire best friend Kei. Oh, and they live together now. And are all touchy feely. But that's not really a key factor. They work rather well together. Sho is like "AHHHHHH I SHOOT YOU ALL DIE!!!" and can't shoot, well, hits a few people now and then, and Kei is all like "Ho hum, bangbangf, Sho, I fired two shots and hit two people, you've shot fiftey times and hit two. You are wasting bullets, worship me I am a sexy uke vampire" and then there is plot. Mostly Sho and Kei meeting Toshi (Sho's childhood friend from the slums), and splitting up thier money. Yay. Toshi leaves, and there is this cool bit with Sho, Kei and a cig being tossed into Sho's hands ready to be lit. Oh, and Toshi works for pizza delivery as a cover.....this is important, CAUSE....
Next scene, Toshi's delivering drugged pizza to thugs, and Kei and Gackt then go in, shooting. Very cool fighting scene. The best part was when Sh ran out of bullets, emptied the clips, and Kei tosses two more in the air at him and they slide in like BUTTAH. Ohh, so cool. So, there is much shooting, a really funny part where Kei is leaning against a wall as Sho is shooting things, and Sho is like "Kei! Help me!" and Kei light a cig and let's Sho have a puff, still standing there quitely as swrords and bullets fly. And Sho says "thanks."
I love vampires.
So, then enter Son (Wang Leehom). I dun think that's his ACTUAL name, but that's what the "Legend of the Moon ( ) site says under the cast page. There is a cool fight scene with him, and then stuff happens that 1) I can't remember, and 2) isn't important to remember, as it's fighting. And then Kei and Sho chase Son down, and....THEY TALK IN FREAKING CHINESE!!! Yes, half the movie is in CHINESE!!! AAAAAAA!!!! Drove me nuts. They decide not to kill Son, and they go to Son's house, and we meet Gackt's love interest for the movie, Miss Yi-Chie. She bandages up everyone, save the vampire boy. No one but Sho knows about Kei the vampire(Tina, this is sending me into GIGGLES, I can't help but think of the LK Kei, not the Hyde Kei, when typing). Anyway, this group of five become all buddy buddy, and Yay. Then, the rival gang enters again, kills Toshi, and I am like "Grrr, you made Gackuto CRY!!!"), and Kei comes and drinks blood, and everyone (save the dead toshi) learn his secret. This is good, because Yi-chie might have married Kei or wanted to date Kei instead of Sho. But that doesn't matter
Cause now we are in 2025, Gackt is married to Yi-Chie and has a daughter. Son is in a rival gang to Sho, and yeah, Sho has a nice gang. Kei is in proson for being a vampire. We have random English "Yeah, that's fucking famous Ninja" or something like that, and the news is in Eigo as well. Gotta love Gackt. And then.....well, lots more crap happens. Sho's gang gets killed, Sho asks Kei to help him, and Kei escapes prison, yay! In the middle of the day too, and is smoldering all the way to his beloved Sho. Yay! So, Yi-Chie dies randomly. Then, Sho, Kei and Son have thier final showdown. And this is how it goes....
Sho picks up a machine gun, and traps Kei with sunlight. Kei is pissd, and like "Sho! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" and Sho and Son go off to have thier showdown. Sho reminded me of Vicious, and Son reminded me of Spike. Nice fighting, and then...Son fatally injures Sho. Meanwhile, Kei was shot twice by two young hoodlums who he then pounced and killed, breaking away from the sunlight and running to find a dying Sho. He then kills Son.
2045.....Sho's daughter restores a painting that her mother painted long ago when Toshi was still alive. That night, Kei is talking to her and congradulating her. She then goes home. Kei then walk up to *gasp* SHO! Yes folks, Kei made his best friend a vampire too! How sweet. Vampire GACKT!! And they hop in the car, and drive off to a cliff, and watch the Sun rise together. Sho got to see his daughter grow up...that's all he really wanted. All thier friends are dead, as is Sho's wife. They put the picture of Li-Chie, Kei, Sho, Son and Toshi in the days of thier youth and perfect togetherness on the dashboard, and watched the sun rise. You don't see them go poof into flames, but you do see the sun high up in the sky, and an empty car.....awww...
Now....I liked this movie. And I left out a LOT.
Now....stuff bought: Moonchild movie poster, Moonchild program. Very nice. Suggetiveness factor didn't play as much as I would have liked, and hmmm...meh. It was good.
I can't wait to get ahold of the DVD or a bootleg with subtitles.
Ahhh.....And that's a wrap!!