Dec 10, 2011 21:59
So today I went and did a lot of cleaning and sorting through my things so I could pack to go home for Christmas, and for my eventual move. I can't believe that next week at this time, I will have been on a plane for about three hours. AWESOME.
I also went and did some food giving and shopping. I spent a ludicrous amount of money, but at least I will have more things I don't need but want. XD I also bought a Christmas present to go along with the brownies I made, which I will see tomorrow how that goes over. Either EPIC WIN or EPIC FAIL. We shall see. For those of you in the know, keep it out of the comments (デートの事は日本語だけ、英語は無理!家族は知らないがいいかも。). No spoilers until we see what happens on the morrow.
I have been so busy with work and Nano that I haven't posted at ALL. I went to Disney Sea and Disneyland in Tokyo and had an AMAZING time (on many fronts, actually). Managed to finish Nano, had to stop running because it's too damned cold in the morning and evenings, and I started reading A Song of Ice and Fire, which is an AMAZING series so far and I am nearly halfway through book three.
I have more that I could say but it's cold and I need to bake something and I plan to be in Osaka by around 10 am tomorrow. So! To baking I shall go, and leave the rest of you to wondering.
Man I really need to study. SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR FAIL. I don't really get the chance to speak Japanese anymore, silly job. I miss it.
life in japan,
hiko is crazy,
nano 2011,
tara wtf stop talking,