Jul 09, 2011 00:50
Went to the movies tonight, saw an AMAZING Deathly Hallows trailer (I am going to go BROKE seeing that movie in the theaters), watched the FMA movie and really enjoyed it. But MAN is the current job a leech on my Japanese skills, I really need to start studying again.
Next week I am going to go and do visa stuff, pain in my butt but it needs done. XD I think I might do it on Thursday, so I can actually watch Naruto for a change. I have missed it the past two weeks.
I've been keeping a blog about my spending habits and I am quite interested by it. Last weekend totally massacred the monthly budget because I bought a netbook. Next month I am going to Hokkaido, and September I don't have plans but my ipod has died so had that I need to buy a new mp3 player. I'd like to get a new classic ipod, because I refuse to but the non-phone version of the iphone, aka the itouch. It's RIDICULOUS. I may just have to try reformatting it to a PC and then reformatting it again to my mac. We shall see.
I'm just really sad because I really love my ipod. But it's going on six years old, so I guess it has taken it's final dive into death and oblivion.
I am really and extremely tired at the moment, which makes sense as it's nearly one am. I think I might go to bed and get a shower in the morning. I know I owe tags, but that will come in the am. I am really freaking tired.
Good night everyone. I hope you are doing well!