I am currently working on something that is getting me excited to work on my steampunk angels story again. XD While what I am working on is probably above and beyond what I was asked to do (especially if I get the pictures that I want/need for it), it’s really fun and to me, interesting. Tooootally forget the name of the Tinkerer, but I guess it’s been changed to John (or Johnathan) Albus Tinker. There are reasons for this name, but if you don’t know it’s not entirely important.
I might post some of it later, when it’s finished. If anyone would like to give it a look over, let me know! Also, yay for exploiting the Mayan calendar. It is a shameless ploy and tactic, but we’ll see what comes of it. I am pretty amused, and that’s the point.
In other news, reason number two for “Why Tara bought a PSP” comes out today. HUZZAH! I cannot wait until it is in my hands. Along with the extras. XD Yes, yes, I am a consumer whore I realize this, but I am PRETTY freaking excited! I might post pictures later, we shall see. Kukuku. Celeste and I talked about that a lot last night, AHAHAHAHAHA ahem. We are geeks. I will explain some other day that is not now. Or not. =P Icon is so relevant, LOLOLOLOLOL
Writing-wise, things are going at a decent pace. Aside for the Angel thing that I am working on, I have two more fan comics that need written by at least March. The Anthology story that needed written I did yesterday, along with image requests for our 2010 Calendar. (Yes, our circle puts out a calendar. Because it’s FUN and cute.) So, I am still productive, just in a different manner. I also need to edit out certain parts of the 2009 Nano and get that sent to the printer so I can have the AWESOMEST book title on my shelf, “Zombie Host Boys of the Dotonbori.” It is a glorious, glorious title. If the story wasn’t so ridiculous, there might be a point to attempting to salvage it for further use. Sadly, I do not think it IS salvageable, but such is life, I suppose.
Last night I made Snickerdoodles, recipe #2 for the month. Recipe #1 was persimmon pudding, I think. No, no recipe #1 was the muffin recipe that I turned into a cake because I am lazy. XD Needed more egg in that, I think. Also, snickerdoodles are kind of amazing! I am glad that I know how to make them now, tasty! 8D I sent myself about 12 new recipes to try, so I will keep on keeping on. My resolution is almost complete! I am so excited about that. I have a very large repertoire of foods that I can make, and I am not afraid to try new things. New things, they are tasty and delicious. I have a few fish recipes that I am going to try. Maybe that should be the new resolution: cooking with fish once a month. This next year I will be too busy to do more than that.. And as I am intimidated by cooking with fish, this should help me with that. I might start trying to cook more vegetarian foods too. The more veggies in my life, the better!
For the moment, that is all. I am definitely feeling less emo today but I am still worried. I hate it when the future is uncertain, it leaves me all discombobulated.