Oct 09, 2009 19:55
So two of our students have the "New Type" flu, which I think is the Japanese code name for swine flu. ASIDE from having a sore throat, I'm perfectly fine, although Monday I felt like crap and pretty much wanted to keel over in my bed. Throat does hurt quite a bit though. Boo.
Heading to the mountains tomorrow! Erin and I are going to Koyasan together, which is one of my ABSOLUTE favorite places in Japan so YAY! I am very happy. We are staying at a temple and eating the tasty food and enjoying relaxing times. Sunday we are going to meet Kate for Wendy's since we are on a budget, and maybe I will hit up Angelic Pretty for their Halloween things. I WANT WHATEVER I CAN BUY. Oh, and Okayaa's getting an AP the YEAR I AM GOING TO BE LEAVING. THANKS AP. THANKS A LOT. D: Well, it's money that I don't need to spend anyway! I better get my hands on orange and black batty jewelry, dammit Angelic Pretty why do you go and make AWESOME STUFF!
Then Monday is TETSUJIN 28 AND IT WILL BE AWESOME. I hope?
ARRRRRG I need to pack. Shouldn't be hard, jeans and sweaters. I will wear sneakers. And I am pretty sure I have pajamas covered too. :3 Man I am SOSOSO looking forward to this. I am debating bringing along Obito (aka the laptop--SHUT UP) because I should put my pictures on the laptop and sort them right away for flickr posting. I know the capsule has wireless--crappy connection or so I have heard, but a connection none the less! So we'll see.
Evan left and my house is pretty empty feeling. Sadness. I just like having someone around. I mean, I like alone time a LOT, but I like company. Especially quiet company that we just talk whenever and it's all comfortable and stuff. I dunno. I always feel a little lonely when company leaves, or I leave company.
Also, I think I want to find a boyfriend. I don't think I have the time to give to one, but I would like one. But I think all of my reasons are selfish and based off hormonal needs and stuff. Still. I think things will start making more sense later. This isn't even something that I should be worried about, but I don't want to die alone in my house.
Oh and this week's Naruto was all sorts of hilarious. Nice Kishimoto, I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life. Also, I have started to use Buddhism and Trigun to explain your "Excuse me while I tell you this metaplot that you've never heard of before." I like this manga, but ugh, I hate shonen manga storytelling.
Also, Reminder to self: Don't watch the Kakashi Gaiden when you are getting near the bad time of the month, self. You'll just sit there crying about how you are crying over a fictional character and how lame that is. I don't even know why it breaks my heart so much every time I watch it, it just does.
life in japan,
tara wtf stop talking about naruto,