I am wondering, if when following a recipe you only use three ingredients and then sub what you want for the rest. . . are you REALLY following the recipe anymore? Or are you just experimenting?
Poll Recipes! Now, the rest of my entry.
So yesterday was pretty awesome (as I am sure you could tell), and today has been pretty freaking sweet too. But it seems that yesterday was even MORE magical and kismet-ly then Kate and myself ever imagined.
So, yesterday started off unbearably hot and I was dying through first and second periods. During the fourth period lesson, it rained and was kind of awesome and distracted the entire class from the lesson. Including those of us teaching. X3 Afterwards, the world was cool and refreshing, and less humid. Just hot, which I actually like. Summer is PERFECT when it is kinda hot but not humid.
The world smelling like fresh summer rain and good things, I peddled very slowly off to Oku. (mental note: Must put air in bike tires) Got money at the bank, went to the 100 yen shop (Daiso, aka Hyakin, to the non-Japanese speakers, the Dollar store of Japan), and bought bento supplies.
This, apparently, was more well-timed then I realized. XDD As of Friday, we are no longer having school lunches, and that means summer bento time! (Bento are Japanese style lunch boxes) I decided to stop eating school lunch because of my diet, so getting the bento stuff was something necessary. I just didn’t realize how immediate the need was.
Is it kismet, fate, God? Who knows. I want to thank my father for his strange luck getting passed on to me. I may never win the lottery or anything, but apparently, I can get lucky at really random and fun things. (Look at my last post. Or don’t, it’s rather eye burning in retrospect, even to me.)
Yesterday was truly wonderful, and today is pretty peachy as well. I think I am going to get myself some famous Okayama peaches and make something FABULOUS tonight for my lunch. I AM VERY EXCITED.
It is slightly upsetting that with word open, I cannot look at certain parts of my current laptop background. Personally, I am not sure when (if ever) this background will change, but I am already starting to miss the awesome Penny Arcade background. The one I am using right now is so much looseriffic then before. The again, Gabe and Tycho on a magical unicorn is pretty awesome.
I think I will let you all guess about me background. Hint: if you are on my flist, you probably already know. If you are my family, you probably don’t. Or, you do and you wish you didn’t. And you probably also wish that I would STOP ACTING LIKE A TEN YEAR OLD BOY and return to being a young lady like you think I am.
Really. I am a fine young lady. Just sometimes I get very excited about things.
God bless my future husband for putting up with this. I bet he does it for the delicious bento and food that I will make for him. <3333
Hot DAMN I want to make someone love bento. SO. I will practice making myself love bento!
Because I’m worth it. Just like Aizen and his hair. *Shot*
Also: My summer plans are rockin’. I should post about those, later.