Tweets for Today

Apr 11, 2009 22:01

  • 22:42 @ pvponline I am so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you now, nothing's harder then the loss of a pet when you're away. I know. #
  • 01:56 clean and warm. Sleepytimes. Dentist tomorrow, woes. #
  • 09:55 My ipod is dead. #
  • 12:36 ipod saved! Thank goodness, I can't afford a new one! #
  • 12:44 I AM A SPARKLY PRINCESS. WEARING ORANGE. I look like the Princess of creamcicles. Pictures later. #
  • 19:34 @ runawayballista i am listening to Build a Birdhouse in Your Soul by They Might Be Giants and thinking of you love<3 #
  • 19:37 @ xskeix dude I was SO relieved! I just don't have the money and it's decorated so pretty too. Haha I'm totally shallow. #
  • 19:39 Today was hanami in frills. It was lovely. And then we ate tasty thai. Good day. Now to video games, cookies and alcohol!<3 #
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