YUmyum food and stuff

Oct 14, 2008 19:20

I had intended to go to Oku again after work, but I farted around too long and ended up taking a nap that involved dreaming and some strange things.

I had a very strange dream about Anne and Jen (Prime, aka the married one) visiting me in Japan, and it being very akward cause Erin was nearby. Anne started combing my bangs and I figured I would talk to Erin later and tell her that we were still friends, because Anne brushing my hair was soooooo relaxing. I ended up laying my sleepy head in her lap as she brushed out my hair entirely, and when I stood up it was a floopy mess. We were going to go for a long walk to see some cliffs and waterfalls (that were very familiar in my dreams--I've been to those cliffs and waterfalls before), but it was getting too dark and while I could get us back in the dark, I didn't want to go in the dark. I got up and left them, telling them that I wished thier stay in Japan would leave them here over another weekend, and they said sorry and left.

The next part of the dream involved me talking about the thing that Celeste and I did in relation to Doctor Horrible, and then my Dad was like "Oh, I like Doctor Horrible" and we started watching it on my computer together. And somehow, there was added features and bloopers, and then, magically, they were playing the Star Wars theme in a large orchestra. And by they I mean there was some random orchestra, that ended up being Osafune's school band, and my father and Anne were in it (Anne was playing the sax, I remember. It was very pretty and kinda sexy. That sounds wierd to say, but that's how she played in my dream. And she was wearing the shapeless tshirt and gymshorts the kids wear). I was heading off to leave, and I asked my Dad what he wanted to eat--I ACTUALLY SAID IN THE DREAM "Hey Dad, how many points do you have left?" which makes me laugh. The points is reference to the Weight Watcher's diet, LOLOLOLOL WHAT? (My Dad has diebeties and DOES have to watch what he eats, but this was kinda ridiculous.) But yeah, so my father and Anne remained playing in the Osafune Jr. High band, one of my students fainted, I flagged down the school nurse (WHO I STILL SAY LOOKS LIKE EMI-SAN OF 10-RANKAI), and then meandered home, to watch them getting rid of doughnuts. I wanted one and ended up eating a stale chip that tasted horrible. XD There was a mouse made of bolona on that chip. (If this means I ate something in the real world, dear GOD I don't want to know what.)

Then I woke up.

I was starving (LOL, food related dream wtf did you do to meeee???), so I ended up making a salad with tuna and tofu, eating a pizza-like thing, and having some creamy soup. It was really tasty, but HAHA I am still hungry. O.o I am going to wait awhile though, at least until Celeste gets home and we start working on editing tonight. Sigh.

I am very sad that I've only sold two books so far. D: I don't want to make money off of them so much as I want them GONE. Still, I posted them at like. . . 1pm EST on a Monday in the US, after an anime con, SoooOOooo. . . I should probably wait a bit and have patience. /o/

My legs are only slightly sore from the ride to Oku, which makes me wonder how long it would take me to ride all the way to somewhere like Saidaiji or something, and just how SAFE that would be. I am, however, very interested in this, though it would probably take a few hours, and I should try going to Johto first (LOL JOHTO JOURNEY, HIKO EDITION), as it's one stop towards Banshuu-Ako like Oku is one stop towards Okayama from where I am. I really enjoy riding here. AHHHHH, I wonder if the plans for lunch this Saturday are still a go or not. Supposed to be lunching with the English department, yikes! :3 But it should be okay, I swear to GOD one of the English teachers that I don't work with (there are six that I am sure of, and only three do the Team Teaching lessons) looks like Aoki-san from "Shall We Dance?" XDD I love that actor, so I love this teacher, even if I've NEVER SPOKEN WITH HIM OUTSIDE SAYING HELLO. LOL.

Bahhh!!!! I need to get back to work on that which I was working on.

OH YEAH if anyone cares/needs it, I changed my cell phone email. It's now shigeruhiko at all that jazz instead of taralovec. If you know my cell infos, then great, if not, well, you can ask me buuuuuut I probably won't tell you unless you are an RL friend or family, or if you're one of like. . . two or three lovely lj lady friends. Well, excluding the one who isn't a lady, good sir. =P SO HE KNOWS WHO HE IS. But I could be a butt and not tell him reguardless.


OH YES ANOTHER NOTE: Created Halloween board at school today. Might take a picture if I remember tomorrow to take my camera to work. OKAY I THINK THAT IS IT NOW. GOOD DAY!

tara wtf stop talking, teaching, wtf is this shit, work, life in japan, life, job

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