Aug 14, 2007 23:31
I am sitting here waiting for the ink to dry on my picture that I just drew, because I would like to color it before bed, so that I can leave it for Celeste to wake up to.
There is a bit of a story behind this. So I'll discuss.
Today we tried to get tickets for a bus to Tokyo and back. Despite all our efforts, there are no buses to be had, and we will be lucky to GET to Tokyo at this rate. We are planning to spend the night in a manga kissa in Akiba (in english: We are spending the night in a manga/coffee shop in Akihabara, Tokyo) on Thursday, because we want to BE IN Tokyo on Friday. Celeste wants to go to Comiket on Friday to pick up some stuff for a friend. I might crash out in the hostel until our room is ready.
Anyway, the stress of not getting a bus kind of just like. . . RAWR. We tried, we made reservations for a bus to Osaka instead, and we are currently planning our getaway to Tokyo via bus, train and shinkansen (shink=bullet train). Okay, so small crisis averted, however it means she's likely not going to SCCK with Maricar and I, which makes me sad. =( And her too. I think we were close to saying "screw it" and NOT go to Comiket, but we are picking up stuff for people, so we are probably going to fund our Shinkansen tickets via that. MENTAL NOTE: Next time get tickets EARLY. GAH. Bakabakabaka self.
So next, Celeste's power cord comes as she's heading to the store. This brings SUCH excitement, and I can't tell you HOW MUCH I was looking forward to iming her while being in the same room, because we are loser geeks like that. When she gets back? The cord doesn't work. And calling the people she gets told the cord she needs is sold out and they might not take back the cord that doesn't work, wiskey tango foxtrot. SERIOUSLY, that's messed up. She's obviously unhappy with that, and I go and take a nap and let her have some time by herself, God knows we both needed some, I sleep and when I get up, she's working on coloring a SUPER SWEET picture for our beloved Marine Blue, who I should get to work on something for. Because she's been super sweet.
So, after that, things get better. Obviously, Celeste isn't thrilled with the situation (and I don't blame her, RAWR DIE IN A FIRE COMPUTER PEOPLE OF FAIL), and so, we watch Waterboys for the SECOND time today (I love that movie), and she fell asleep halfway through. Aww.
So I drew her a picture of Naruto and Sasuke in yukata, and hopefully it doesn't look too terrible when I color it. I kinda drew it in the HUGE sketchbook and I'm not really goot at drawing pictures that aren't smaller then A4 paper, so this is kinda WAAAAYYYY out of proportion BUT their faces and hair are really cute, and maybe I can save it in the coloring, HAHAHA.
I also have some really sweet Alex and Ruka sketches I did last night. One I even colored. I really, really love those two, and I hope the massive changes I did to thier story make it more interesting. Eh heh. I'm really excited about it. The setting is much more my style now.
I wonder if I know enough about steampunk to make it kind of steampunk-ish. Might do some research, as I LOVE the steampunk setting. Clothes-wise that's out, but technology-wise. . . . .
Yeah, I bet the former Mindspace crew is thinking "WHAAAAT???" to that. Heh.
Anyway, my picture is dry bu now I AM SURE, so I am going to erase the pencil and color. =D I don't think I'll be putting this on dA though, for a myriad of reasons, unless Celeste says okay. It's kind of only for her. I'm a little wierd like that, yeah.
life in japan,