Feb 20, 2007 23:47
So, I'm sick, so instead of, OMG RESTING, I spend the last hour or so tossing and turning and OMG ANXIETYING over ". . . why have my tickets not arrived for my trip to the states???"
So, I kept thinking "I will CHECK INTO THIS LATER," Oh, but NO. When Tara worries, SHE MUST FIND OUT NOW about what she worries about.
So I went to the Expedia page. . . Oh. THAT'S WHY.
It is not 11:50. Maybe I will fall asleep now that I am not all "OMG, I WON'T GET TO GO HOME!!!"
Really. I blame my cold.
(I find it funny that I still have LOST icons even though I no longer watch the show)
As for genereal life updates? GAH. Lots of REALLY STUPID CRAP that I can't talk about. For anyone who's interested? It really has NOTHING to do with me, and I'm fine, but there has been much, as I have heard it called, "shit stirring" by people, and, well. You all know how that goes.
Shit? It stinks. When stirred? Stinks more. So. Mrrph.
OH AND I GET TO BE ON KUSE TV AGAIN, YAY. Except, I'm sick so HAHA, this is going to SUCK REALLY BAD. The interviewers are really nice, so even though I WANT TO SAY "NO, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO I DON'T WANT TO BE ON KUSE TV EVER AGAIN," I don't have a choice. Oh yay. Another month of EVERY DAMN SCHOOL I GO TO having people say "Oh! Tara-sensei! We saw you on tv!" AHAHAHAHA. One of my schools was awesome in teasing me about it. They were like "Oh yes, we'll turn the tv on in the staff room, and watch! All of us!" XD Because they knew how embarrassed I was.
Tina, I suppose that is the story I should have told you the other night, when you wanted one. Ahaha. Oh well. Do it for the lols, right?
I love you all. I'm sick and tired so OMG, GOODNIGHT. A-FREAKING-GAIN. SHEESH.
life in japan,