
Dec 07, 2010 22:29

Ok, so Christmas is obviously weeks away still. However, I can't help but feel like it's practically here already. We got a bunch of snow last weekend in DeKalb, so everything was completely covered in white. The nice thing about snow here is that we usually get it in spurts, so we will have snow on the ground for weeks but the roads will be (mostly) dry and fine for driving! Unfortunately, it has been freezing cold. We've been in single-digit temperatures for most of the last few days, which is hard to get used to, but I'm managing.

I usually don't have a lot of ideas for things I'd like for Christmas. However, I have a bunch of things on my mind this year for ideas. Mostly, this is a list of things that I will probably just buy myself in the next few weeks or months, but I'm putting it here because my parents have asked me several times for ideas.

-- Flavored coffee. Any flavor. I've started drinking more coffee, and while the classic Folgers roast is good, there's better stuff out there. Caramel or hazelnut sound exciting.

-- Caffeinated tea. Sometimes I drink tea at night when I need enough caffeine to stay awake, but not enough to stay awake for hours. My stash of caffeinated tea is all gone now. :(

-- The second half of Glee season 1 on DVD.

-- Glee Christmas CD (I heard it's great!)

-- B&N gift card. These are amazing. I got a $25 one two weeks ago, and it's almost gone already...

-- Paperback version of The Gathering Storm, Wheel of Time book #12 by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson. Haven't been able to find this anywhere, although it supposedly came out in late September...

-- Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You by Robert J. Sternberg. Recommended by a licensed psychologist who gave a talk at our clinic last week.

-- Primer of Drug Action by Robert M. Julien. My biopsychology professor recommended this. I think it will be useful if I have clients with medication and want to not look clueless! Also could be useful for family members with questions (that's why the teacher recommended it, haha). A paperback version of the newest edition (12th) just came out last month.

-- Pens. My stash of Uniball pens is out. :( I'm kind of picky about these...Uniball Vision, black, micro size tip.

-- New bookshelf in my room. This is a long-term project for right now...I might get one at Ikea after Christmas break. The one in the corner of my room is fine, but I need a taller one with more shelves. I need more space for all of the books I buy every semester and the notes I keep saving. The space in front of my dresser has turned into extra storage space, which is problematic.

-- DVDs of any movies that I might like, or for movies that have won the Oscar for Best Picture (still slowly working on my list). My DVD collection is really pitiful, considering how much I love watching movies! I have the Matrix movies, a few musicals, a few romantic comedies, Harry Potter #4, and Little Miss Sunshine.

I'll update the list if I can think of anything else cool.


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