Summertime, and the livin' is easy

May 23, 2010 14:59

I've always had mixed feelings about summer. On one hand, I'm always grateful that school is over so I can have more time to myself. I don't have homework and school obligations hanging over my head -- at least, not as much as during the school year -- and the weather is generally nicer. On the other hand, I hate very hot weather (like today's high of 90! ugh), and the summers of increased free time are going to be gone within the next few years at the latest. I will always love autumn the most, although I will admit that summer definitely has its charms.

After classes ended, I spent a week in Michigan with my family. I only had a few days in both Grand Haven and Lake Ann, so if you didn't get a chance to see me, I'm sorry! I'll try to do a better of job of getting together with people when I'm in Michigan again (probably some time in June). It was nice seeing my family again, even though it was rather short-lived. Good thing we have the internet and phones, right? Actually, speaking of that, my LG Tritan died when I was in Lake Ann. The touch screen completely stopped working, so I couldn't access any of my features on my phone. This included email and Internet, texting, my alarm clock, even my contacts list -- I couldn't call anyone except my voicemail and people on speed dial, unless I knew their number. :( Thankfully, I was able to get a new phone at Verizon, which I absolutely LOVE (HTC Droid Eris).

This past week has mostly been spent adjusting to being in DeKalb with a flexible schedule. I went to campus a few times earlier in the week to work, but had a hard time concentrating because the janitorial staff is cleaning the entire building. I've been doing a bit of research, but because my meetings are on Tuesday, today and tomorrow are going to be my busiest days with work. On Thursday, I went to a fiesta-themed potluck with a group of friends in the music department (I know them through David, my roommate). I made a tres leches cake, which actually turned out really well, and some homemade guacamole. I think I'm really starting to like cooking and baking more than I used to.

I watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy (AAAAAAH so intense), and I'm excited to see Glee again on Tuesday. I'm really appreciating how this show is still running into part of the summer, because I'd be pretty bored if I didn't have anything else to watch. Ok, that's not quite true either, because I've been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's a surprisingly mature cartoon, given that it ran on Nickelodeon, and it's the show that the upcoming movie (M. Night Shyamalan's "The Last Airbender") is based on. This show is fantastic! Watch it if you like the fantasy or anime genres at all.

Yesterday was the "Take Steps" event, a fundraising event for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA). Melissa organized the whole thing, and we managed to raised over $3,000 for research on Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Go team!

Today, I need to take care of some errands (cleaning, laundry, etc.) and then dive into my research work this afternoon. I'm planning on watching a movie or reading tonight, if I make enough progress on my research. I hope you all are enjoying your weekend! Have a great week.

cooking/baking, grad school

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