So uhm...yeah

Nov 10, 2012 12:37

I know I've been absent a lot lately, I've been getting distracted with a number of things here at home. Granted nothing major ish? I don't think? I've just been sorta enh and trying to write, trying to get my groove back with some artwork that I've got sitting around. .I will however be distracted by video games and the like, and ocasionally just be to tired and lazy to do much lately.

Work's been enh the past few days, things were up an down and I sorta crashed yesterday and my boss got on me about it again. In fact his words were literally " I can't tell you again" and something to that effect of basically just get my shit together.

I need a new job. Although that's beside the point...I actually thought I was doin good, hell some times yesterday I was very much on top of my shit and sometimes I was behind. So much shit was in the fryers all at once and just...blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.


F-list how are you? Anything good going on? I'm still planning another con report and other things so....yeah

work, life update, ramblings

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