1-How did you get into PR?
2-Favorite season
3-Favorite Team
4-Favorite Male Ranger
5-Favorite Female Ranger
6-Favorite sixth Ranger
7-Favorite Color Ranger
8-Favorite formerly evil Ranger
9-Favorite Villain
10-Favorite redeemed villain
11-Favorite villain henchmen
12-Favorite villain sidekick
13-Favorite Monster of the Week
14-Favorite Mentor
15-Favorite Support Staff
16-Favorite Supporting character
17-Favorite Couple (canon)
18-Favorite Couple (Fanon)
19-Favorite friendship
20-Favorite Teamup
21-Favorite HQ
22-Favorite Earth Location
23-Favorite non-Earth location
24-Favorite Zord
25-Favorite Uniforms
26-Favorite morph call/sequence
27-Favorite Morpher
28-Favorite under a spell
29-Favorite storyarc/episode
30-Favorite finale
Plain and simple from when I was a kid. The Dragonzord. A) you can call him with a flute dagger that has parts of a clarinet and a trumpet..oh yeah and can also stab people and shoot lazers. b) rises out of the ocean and eats buildings and shoots missles and stuff. c) freakin awesome dino\godzilla type robot.
The Q-rex is a close second, Sorry Eric, but the dragonzord beats ya here. Also worth noting is the Tigerzord, Merrick's Wolf zord shark combo thing.