Title: Missing You
Starring: KAT-TUN
Summary: Jin's departure leaves a member with a heavy heart. After all e-mails and calls don't really make up for the usual game of soccer.
Genre: Friendship, Angst
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I probably wouldn't have sent Jin to LA, I'd have sent Koki instead XD
Author's Note: KAT-TUN member-ai seems pretty lacking, so I've written one of my own, let's see how it goes =)
Missing You
It was pretty quiet, then again it usually always was. It wasn’t like kids ditched school to head over to the park nowadays anyway.
Nakamaru gave the soccer ball a swift kick, allowing it to hit the net. It gave a satisfactory swish, but received little attention from the kicker himself. He let out a sigh, and allowed himself to fall back onto the warm grass.
It’d been like this the last few days, going off to the park alone, kicking the ball around a bit, and then just sitting, starring up at the sky. He wondered why exactly he’d kept going through this particular routine, he’d never done it often when Jin was here, but since he’d gone, Nakamaru found himself beating out the path to the usual park nearly everyday.
It was a bit strange to say the least, but somehow the missing presence of the rather pessimistic and sometimes bad mouthed young man seemed to be getting to him.
Why? He hadn’t really any clue, but for some reason it did. He must be depressed, at least that’s what he’d heard Ueda and Taguchi murmuring to one another. But he didn’t really quite feel that way, was it depression to miss somebody?
Honestly he kind of thought everyone else would feel the same way, but no one seemed all that different, after all it wasn’t as though Jin made all that much effort to interact with them half the time.
Even so, he was a member of the group, and surely somebody else aught to have felt the same way. Now, not to say that the group was completely callously, rejoicing in the absence of the hip-hop oriented member, as Taguchi did mention occasionally how strange it was not to have Jin around to tell him that his jokes were absolutely horrible and had no place being said to anybody.
Nakamaru let out another sigh, lying back onto the grass enjoying the warm sunlight.
Perhaps it wasn’t too bad, after all he’d just received an e-mail from Akanishi giving quite a bit of info on his activities in America, it seemed he’d just had a day off and had actually spent it lounging around in ‘Little Tokyo’ getting his unusually large fix of coffee flavored Mochi.
Maybe he’d head over to the ice cream store near his house and have his own Mochi, after all the original is always best.
"How long do plan on sighing for?" the unmistakable of voice of Tanaka Koki cut in, as he plopped down beside Nakamaru.
"Sorry?" Nakamaru replied, squinting up at Tanaka.
"Exactly how long do you plan to worry everyone with you're sighing?" Tanaka repeated.
"Sorry, I'll stop."
Tanaka rolled his eyed, "forget it, sigh all you want."
"Fine," Nakamaru replied, letting out another heavy sigh.
Tanaka gave him a dirty look, giving the older man a slight smack to the forehead. "Ow!" Nakamaru complained.
"You know everyone's worried about you," Tanaka said, his voice kept relatively low and casual.
"You seem sad," Tanaka replied. "More than anybody else."
"You all are sad?" Nakamaru asked, flattening his body to the grass.
"It's not like we're heartless, we do miss him."
"That's nice."
"You really are irritable, aren't you. Did you fail your midterm or something?" Tanaka asked, already a bit annoyed.
"No, I actually pass my classes, baldy," Nakamaru responded, tersely.
"That's good to know," Tanaka replied, icily. He pouted towards the sky, as though it were the one at fault.
"Don't undermine me here," Nakamaru said, pulling at the grass idly. "I just miss him is all, is that a crime?"
"No, but it's annoying that you seem act like you're the only person missing a friend."
Nakamaru remained silent, listening.
"The rest of us miss him too, I mean who else I can I talk to about a good base rhythm?" Tanaka said. "And since you've been totally out of it the last few days, you pretty much missed how Uebo's been complaining about how boring it's been lately, you know he misses Jin's failings."
Nakamaru had to admit it did seem strange getting a skit down on first take, as usually it took about three to get it down, with Jin either missing a step or being a bit of a blockhead and forgetting his line.
"I'd hope so, he doesn't have anyone else to call annoying," he said.
Tanaka hid a smile, they were getting somewhere. "And Taguchi's been feeling much to happy lately, you know what a masochist the guy is."
Nakamaru nodded, smirking a bit, indeed if there was anyone in the group who was more picked on then he was it was definitely Taguchi with his failure to use tact in nearly any situation. Along with the fact that Jin always did tell him he had a useless talent.
"A useless talent is still a talent," Nakamaru quoted.
"Very true," Tanaka responded, at a bit of a loss to say anything about Kamenashi.
"Kame seems alright with it," Nakamaru said.
Tanaka shrugged, "well he said he was alright the last time Jin left, but you know he spent almost a week looking like a zombie."
"Doesn't seem like it this time."
Tanaka let out a sigh, "it's not like anybody besides Jin can ever tell what's going on in Kame's head. I've tried but it's a bit scary to think about, considering how much of hentai he can be sometimes."
Nakamaru let out a laugh, "you'd enjoy that part of his thoughts more than anything else."
"Shut up!" Tanaka said, giving Nakamaru a dirty look.
Nakamaru continued his laughter, and only stopped when he was at a loss for breathe. He let out a contented sigh, as he stared up at the passing clouds.
"You really like sighing, don't you?" Tanaka said.
Nakamaru smirked, "maybe."
Tanaka let out a sigh of his own. "Stop being so depressing!"
The other merely rolled his eyes, "it's not like I do it on purpose, you just assume it's depressing."
"Stop trying to sound smart Nakamarad." Tanaka said, a sly smile playing on his face.
Nakamaru glared up at Tanaka, a sour expression on his face.
"So, why the park?"
There was silence.
Tanaka let out an aggravated growl, before getting to his feet, "I'll see you later," he said rather gruffly.
"We always played soccer here, with a few kids sometimes," Nakamaru's voice carried towards him.
Tanaka paused, staring back at him. Nakamaru hadn't really moved much, he was lying spread-eagled on the grass, soaking up the rays of the sun. So that's what it was, he didn't have his soccer buddy.
However Tanaka did think it was a bit more than that, having spent quite a bit less time with Akanishi than Nakamaru, he supposed it was some of the special friend time the two spent together.
Having gone through a similar experience himself, when Yamapi seemed far too busy to be bothered with anything other than sleeping in his spare time, he knew exactly what it felt like to miss that sort of quality time.
"Do you want to play?"
Tanaka slide back down beside him, "I'm not the best player, and I know I'm not Akanishi, but I'll play if you want."
Nakamaru didn't quite know what to say. It was a nice thought, but it'd feel kind of weird playing with Tanaka, it'd almost feel a bit like a betrayal to Akanishi, as though he were trying to replace him by having Tanaka stand in.
"I'm not replacing him, we're just playing a quick game, and tomorrow instead of coming out here, you're going to hang with me and Ueda, we're going to try that new restaurant that opened up a week ago."
Nakamaru cocked his head to one side.
"You sure?"
" 'Course baka, we're buddies aren't we?"
He nodded slowly, a grin forming on his face. "Well, I'll just warn you I'm not going to take it easy on you, I've been practicing my corner kick for a while."
Tanaka rolled his eyes, "Please, there's a reason our uncoordinated Bakanishi beats you all the time."
"Oi! Take that back!"
"Beat me and maybe I will, but if you loose, I'll tell Uebo!"
"You're going down!" Nakamaru cried, as he ran after Tanaka who already had taken possession of the ball.
It's rather pointless to say who won, but in the end Ueda had quite a fun time teasing Nakamaru about his very flattering and flashy soccer skills.
Author's Note: Well there we have it, I kind of think it's a bit bland and not all that great, but hey I wrote it while just after finishing up a pre-calc math review!
Anyway here's my third KAT-TUN centered fic, I wrote a weird akame, a fluffy Junda and I decided I shouldn't leave Maru and Koki out, and so here is the product. Maybe next time I'll write a fic with my favorites of, the T&T of KAT-TUN XD
So I hope at least someone enjoyed it, and comments/constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated