Sunday, January 6th 2008

Jul 16, 2008 02:12

Welcome back to Osaka High! There's been a new round of transfer students and I'm fortunate enough to have some of them residing in Dorm 3. I haven't had the opportunity to meet with all of them yet, but, as Dorm 3's dorm head, please come to me if you need anything!

Other than that... um...
I've been feeling rather ill since I've returned to school. But, I'd like to believe that it was caused by something during the winter break or something...
My break was rather uneventful. I spent most of the time preparing for my admission to university. As much as I'd like to aim high for schools like Meiji or Keio but... I don't know if I'd be able to. In terms of being at home... I was happy to be reunited with Nana~ I'm sorry to my friends whom I haven't kept in contact with during that break. I was kind of busy but I hope all of you had a good time!

I was at the welcoming party for a good amount of time despite my headache at that time. I was glad to have met with Taisuke-kun and HaseJun-kun, whom are both new to the school so, everybody please welcome them!

Kusano... I have barely seen you! Well, I guess it's been okay. i've been able to sleep peacefully.
Kei-chan, how have you been as well? It's been a while, which shouldn't be the case between us~!

I know it may be kind of early, but since I like to often plan ahead, I was thinking of doing something to celebrate Valentine's Day. Anyone have any suggestions?

[filter SHIGE]
I'm glad to be back at school. It gives me a better change in environment compared to what I had to live through at home. I still don't know how to think of it though. It didn't really feel like me during the break. But, I can't let that distract me now that I'm at school.

I have to show them that there are other things I am capable of.
[/filter SHIGE]

Akanishi-kun, please disregard what went on in Kusano's journal. I didn't mean those things I said. I wasn't aware that Kusano was writing those things I was saying and... I wasn't exactly in the best of states at the time. I apologize.
[/filter AKANISHI JIN]
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