Aug 05, 2009 23:44
It's had been weeks since i updated on my dairy.. Recently, Ryo chan have been accompanying me much.. He had been dragging me out for food.. this week, Ryo chan been treating me for yakuniku, ramen, takoyaki and all sort of foods.. You know, I am getting fatter if he and Kei chan keep feeding me foods..
[Private]This few days, I keep dreaming of Sawada.. It's making me losing my sleep again.. Well, i shouldnt be saying this here, cos Kei chan will see this and worry about me again. Just wanna write it out. If not i will start to think about them.[/Private]
Kei chan not in the school for a week and i am missing him.. He told me that he need to attend seminar for young artists. But it's ok. I really have to show Kei chan that i will be alright even if he is not with me for a week. So that when he has to go over for some seminar again, He can stop worrying about me right. ^^
nishikido ryo,
shigeaki kato,
koyama keiichiro