Okay, so it's not often that I try and learn another programming language just so I can understand a journal article. Turns out everyone that was anyone in computer science around when I was born pretty much just dreamed in ALGOL or something...
Basically, it's just to get every possible topological ordering of a partially ordered set. On the bright side, I learned a ludicrous amount (only compared to how much I knew before) about set theory to figure out even what I wanted to do, much less understand the papers that showed how. Then there was the ALGOL. Turns out I could probably have skipped it and treated it as pseudocode, but it was an experience.
The paper I was working from is here:
http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/content/24/1/83.full.pdf My implementation is here:
http://oztechninja.com/~davidb/topsort.py.txt Possibly it will be useful to someone else :)