Okay getting new hair tommorow woo! my inspiration was Sayvana from Baten Kaitos. I mean it means I'll sorta make my barbarella harder to pull off, but the pro is i just feel like it and hopefully it'll look good. I mean a life full of total imitation is not so great, a life full of subtle differences can be interesting.
Oh yeah i'm interviewing another band on Friday afternoon. I know nothing about them, once again. I thought they were asking me to interview 'My Chemical Romance' but instead it's the band supporting them. Ah well i'm chuffed that they're asking me to do another interview. I guess if graphic design chokes on me, i can always become a band journalist, and the lady at the record comapany has said good stuff about me to maggie (my sorta radio station boss). Mmm i'm interviewing the guitarist, nooo he's cute that might make me nervous!!! Actually i'm nervous again *breathes* it's gonna be alright, they're just normal people.
I've started speaking with a lovely fashion designer going by the name Lady S. My friend told her about the costume i'm doing and she's been really really helpful.
Check out
http://www.SenuaDesigns.com Her clothes are great and she seems to know what she's talking about. Now this chain mail stuff is kicking my as, i can't afford it and i'd rather not fake it.
Starting to think about website stuff. Man am taking on too much, i guess it's better to be a yes person or something.