I hate calculus, but golfing is fun!

Oct 11, 2006 21:44

I like my boyfriend! He took me golfing on moday and it was fun despite the fact that I am really bad.  I think I might have gotten a 100 yards a few times or at least they were close enough to pretend! Then we went mini golfin in the freezing cold and I almost beat him and i didnt even have to cheat *shifty eyes*  Then today we went to Chipotle for free buritos woot but i was kinda paranoid about beinf late for vb which i definitly wasnt (grr on coaches for not being there on time) but burritos are yummy!

Random funny moment from english
Carmen- "I can't see the flag"                                                                                                                                                                           Me- *moves over*                                                                                                                                                                                          Carmen, Moho, and I - *giggle*

and the joke of the day

What's green and sings?

Elvis Parsley hahaha

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