Dear Yuletide Writer 2016

Oct 06, 2016 18:09

Hello, I'm specialrhino on Ao3! I love all of these fandoms dearly, so ty for volunteering to provide fic for them. Verily, the internet will be a better place once you have posted yours in December.

Things I like:
- prickly characters remaining prickly while doing hurt/comfort or being romantic/sweet
- AUs with lots of details from canon and/or a satisfying meetcute
- accidental dating
- pretend to be dating
- when characters "have broccoli"
- banter
- loyalty
- physical forms of affection
- indulgent tropes (tripping and being caught by someone! fakeout makeouts! one person is woozy/sick/drugged and has to be taken care of! having to get married because of Reasons! fairytale plots! one person seeing the other one hurt and letting their ~true ~feelings shine through! one person is being targeted by someone/thing and the other has to stay by their side to protect them!)
- handwaving of timelines (I wouldn't mind if you rooted your story in canon timelines and put worldbuilding and detail into it - it's just that you also are not under any pressure to make things work logistically, because I'm here more for the character interactions and tropey scenarios than for the plausibility of the plot. if anything, I will just take it as a canon divergent AU.)
- side character POV, esp when used for humor or "omg those two are so into one another HOW DO THEY NOT KNOW" purposes

Things I dislike:
- italics
- time travel
- teen rebellion
- public declarations/exhibitionism (I get secondhand embarassment)
- road trips

Mairelon the Magician - Richard Merrill, Kim Merrill

I'd looooove to see Mairelon's POV on Kim as he falls in love with her, or something where Mairelon has a really obvious Kim bias. I reread that scene in the library in book 2 where he's being jealous of Kim's suitor and Kim just thinks he's being generally weird SO MANY TIMES because omg you can not give me enough of Mairelon showing his feelings for Kim. I love how he's generally restrained and absentminded, so seeing genuine emotions and turmoil shine through because of Kim is a complement to Kim (who I love and love when people find her awesome) and also shows the ~strength of his regard, aka this is why h/c or Mairelon overreacting re: retaliation when he thinks someone has hurt Kim or some scene from one of the books with his lovelorn POV would make me ridiculously happy.

Something from the POV of a side character where they can see how obviously besotted he is would be great, too! <3

Oresama Teacher - Takaomi, Mafuyu

Something where Takaomi has a really obvious Mafuyu bias, please! Like, pretending not to care when someone insults Mafuyu but then going out of his way to make their day terrible or doing stuff for her he refused to do for other people or helping her out when she doesn't know it.

I totally ship it like burning. I love how they have so much in common and understand one another on a fundamental level, and how each of them doesn't have to play a role around the other one (Takaomi doesn't even try to be a well-behaved person around Mafuyu; Takaomi knows all of Mafuyu's secret identities and understands the loneliness and responsibility of being a leader). I would be ecstatic if you wrote Takaomi sweeping Mafuyu off her feet - I find it really charming how Mafuyu is so many people's prince, but Takaomi manages to throw her off guard and be her prince figure. Like, she's tried to be feminine before (and failed, lol) but when Takaomi is around, it just happens naturally.

For Takaomi/Mafuyu I don't really care whether it's futurefic or while she's a student or in a hazy non-timeline. If it's while she's a student, I really wouldn't mind if you just handwaved any rules against a teacher/student romance. Realism isn't a priority of mine.

Also I love all of the side characters, so feel free to include as many as you like! or have it from one of their POVs! or their hilarious failed? successful? matchmaking attempts, haha.

Havemercy Series - Rook, Thom

There was so much potential for UST between Rook and Thom in this series, but it just kept being defused before it provided some kind of cathartic climax, like a hill in a racing game that isn't quite high enough to let you jump. Or that feeling where you think you may have to sneeze, and then you can't. They trudged through a desert together for an entire book - there was so much potential for h/c schenanigans! Or at least a heartfelt reunion at the beginning when Rook is released from being a prisoner of war! Or what could have been an incredibly dramatic brother reveal in the first book...with a personality as volatile and intense as Rook's, you'd think there'd be more wall sex table sex delicious tension between him and someone he regularly bickers with.

Things I'd love for this pairing: dramatic h/c, sexy bathing (esp of the forced to share a bath/oasis/river/whatever and sekrit ogling variety), forced marriage (who knows why that would have to happen when they're already brothers...but it would also be great), crossdressing, fakeout makeouts with feeeelings, Rook secretly having a thing for Thom's scholarliness, thank-god-you're-alive hugs that accidentally turn into something more, Rook being possessive/territorial, them having a one-night stand sometime precanon and how it would have changed things, or whatever other really over-the-top tropey thing you can think of.

Feel free to rewrite parts of canon or put in missing scenes or handwave timelines completely.

I'd prefer this to be either from Thom's POV or in 3rd person.

yuletide, yuletide letter

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