(no subject)

Apr 12, 2014 23:43

If anyone wants to exchange small and wonderful things like postcards, fanmixes, icons, books, friendship, tea, etc, thennnnn here is a thing you should check out!


Tonight S and K made orange dark chocolate almond flour scones that were surprisingly amazing. Whenever Karen comes over it ends in impromptu gluten-free, keto friendly tea parties, so I don't know why I'm still surprised by this point, but. Yes. That happened.

I'm trying to read all of Game of Thrones (well, sort of reread), but the first season followed the book so closely that, save for a few details here and there, it feels pointless to read the less fun "plotty" chapters of Catelyn, Tyrion and Ned. I shall nevertheless persevere! Fighting! (hopefully I'll get through the series quickly, because all of my dreams will prob be set in Westeros so long as it's on my mind. the main characters from Suits were there last night.)
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