My name is Nicole, I'm 22 and I wish it would rain more (or at all, really) where I live. My siblings are fannish, although our interests don't always overlap, so I typically lurk on the internet.
And now for a loooooooong entry because family has kept me away from the internet as of late.
It's been so dry here lately. :\ This has lead to sinus headaches, a fun new experience for me - who knew, some pain doesn't respond to medication -, the inability to sleep uninterrupted through the night, and the magnification or beginning of said headaches that occurs whenever I drink a cup of tea. This last bit is the worst, because I don't even know the last time in my life I wasn't drinking tea daily (yes, it's an addiction, but a cheap and manageable one), and because
oddishly brought Yorkshire Gold and Yorkshire for Hard Water for us from England + some people gave me Irish Breakfast for xmas and that is my version of heaven. I honestly feel like a character in some sci-fi/fantasy show that's been cursed. Spike, I know how you felt when you suddenly couldn't kill people!
A bunch of people came over for New Year's this year, and it was lovely! Even the bit where we spilled red wine that went everywhere and we spent a frantic 10 minutes covering all affected areas in mounds of salt (which might have worked?). Also, a miracle occured - we picked up food at a local restaurant, and for the first time I ran into a high school acquaintance and looked mildly well put together. That, and when we ran out into the street at midnight to kazoo wildly into the silent, slumbering night (as we do every New Year's), there was fog! It felt like ~new beginnings and a definitive change in the weather. Of course, I woke up the next morning with a headache, but it's the moment of strong hope that matters, right?
faithgrowsold tried New Year's bread for the first time and audibly wondered if it tasted insane because of the foil-wrapped quarter we add for good luck. Which would really explain the metallic tang more than the grated orange peel we've attributed it to. Whoops? Yes, it always tastes crazy, but this is one of those things where the tradition isn't going to change so you'd best figure out how to change around the tradition.
As for before New Year's, Christmas was lovely, although it took until 7 o'clock this year; I finally have a new computer, made the Christmas Eve fish soup that turned out to be delicious, and learned that makeup can look really good if you have the right set of brushes. I feel a little dumb taking so long to catch on to that last thing.
I felt like the first season was from John's POV, the second from Sherlock's, but I haven't thought about which one this is from. It's possible the first was only from John's as an introduction and this one will be the same as the second, but we shall see. Already there have been 100% less of the random time skips that happened constantly in the second season. Also, they've changed the color filter again.
I'm going to phase through the things I liked to the things that I hated, because my positive and negative feelings were pretty balanced in this, which was certainly helped along by some of the things I disliked being toward the end of the episode and thus leaving a more lasting impression. My opinion of the whole thing probably won't be solidified until I've seen in one or two more times, and even then, a lot will depend on how much I've eaten and slept at the time of viewing, haha.
I liked Mary and the train dude and Mycroft in a Russian hat. I liked that we finally see Moran and that he was lounging against pillows that were a reference to the character's military history in Africa. I loved Sherlock and Lestrade hugging, because Greg is not a guy to be verklempt like some character in a Victorian novel (I do hope they have him grow out his hair between episodes, though, because no). I loved the glimpse of Anthea and Sherlock's parents and Sherlock threatening to set Mycroft up. (Mycroft, who has clearly been hanging out with Lestrade this whole time.)
I can't believe they gave Sherlock uke hair at the beginning, even if it was only for a short while.
I don't know how I feel about their new budget. I definitely detected a whiff of Teen Wolf season 3, which had unspeakably bad special effects. I know ACD's stories had a vein of the ridiculous and campy, but all of the random additions to Sherlock's thinking process and random simulations of Parliament exploding and the addition of Moffat's clunky sense of humor (the bit where Anderson was freaking out in his last scene of the episode was downright cartoonish) are something I could really do without. The new look of the texting kind of bothers me too, because it was so clean and nice before.
ALSO I was disgusted by Moffat's profound disrespect and disregard of Molly. They keep almost letting her mature, and then they say lol jk! and drag her out with a fiance that looks identical to Sherlock and have everyone secretly laugh at her. My deep rage at this scene was compounded by my sadness at the lost potential in the adorable moment between Lestrade and Molly at the Christmas party in season 2. They could have been adorable. :(
There were other moments where I felt like the show was making fun of its viewers - the bit with the Sherlock/Moriarty scene was fine, but during the bit where John is about to be burned alive, there were a distracting number of crowd dismay shots, and the vaaaaaaast majority of them were of young women gawking. Also the sheer number of maybe this is how he faked his death??? scenarios felt like Moffat was stroking his own ego. He is such a troll, and for once I do not mean this in an affectionate way.
As a non-spoilery aside, I wonder if the framed taxidermy bat that's been there since the beginning is a reference to The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart, a (particularly great) Merlin origin story, where his first teacher had a bat skeleton he used to start teaching Merlin about anatomy. /reading too much into this, probably