(no subject)

Sep 05, 2010 03:15

USER LJ: penguinfighter
ALIAS: dia, penguin
AIM/IM: swatpenguin345
E-MAIL: pm please.
OTHER CHARACTERS: Greg House, Xuchilbara, Leon Nell
SERIES/FANDOM: Left 4 Dead 2
AGE: 24
FROM WHEN: After The Parish campaign


ITEM(S): He only carries the clothes on his back, his hat, his guitar, and a picture of his friends at Whispering Oaks Amusement Park.

ABILITIES/POWERS: He's a regular human being that just happens to be a carrier to the Green Flu virus back in his United States. For purposes of Angels and Asses | Silent Jersey, Ellis is immune to diseases period.

PERSONALITY:  "Extremely excited" is one way to describe Ellis and it's the most accurate. Ellis seems to actually think the Zombie Apocalypse is a fun-filled thrill ride, and forms affectionate attachments to his team quickly. When he comes into Silent Jersey, he bumped his head somewhere and doesn't remember how he got there. He's aware he's missing his team and will spent every waking moment he can trying to find them. The mechanic's aware that this may not be his Apocalypse but he's gonna do what he did in the last one he was in...kill all sons of bitches.

BURDENS SINS & BAGGAGE: He's that happy-go-lucky but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a dark side. He can't remember why and how he got to Jersey, leaving his fellow Survivors behind. He misses Nick with a passion but his last memory was of them running away from a Tank.

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