014: Side Story: Red Sam

Nov 28, 2010 01:15

Here I stand
Empty hands
Wishing my wrists were bleeding
To stop the pain from the beatings

David knew he was outnumbered, even with his new enhanced body; five animorphs and an Andalite versus him was still unfair. With the Rhamnusia Strain in his bloodstream and every nook and cranny of his tissues, the Ani-traitor was faster, stronger, and more able in every sense of the word and more capable of morphing than any of them could dream of. But he wasn't fighting them..they were fighting him. He knew he should've killed Rachel way back in those rooftops; she must have told everyone else. And Jake was free from his control, the crazy bitch Vertigo must've felt rather sadistic that day. “Told you I'd come back,” Rachel hissed under her breath, enjoying this moment more than a sane person should. Cassie barely made eye contact with him and he knew why: she used his trust to trap him in the nothlit body of a lowly rat.

There you stood
Holding me
Waiting for me to notice you

“You did but I wanted to wait until you cleaned the tire marks from your panties...remember last time?” David shot back with a knowing grin while grabbing his katana, hilt now inscribed with Protect Your Own, by his hand and combat knife. Nick always told him to carry more than one type of weapon and, like the overachiever he could be, David brought three. At first, even Tobias held back a grin at the supposed arrogance the traitor was setting up but Rachel knew so much better and even flinched at the sight of Japanese steel. “All right, which one of you fucktards wants to go first?” Ax, ever the curt prince, was startled by the vulgarity but the first one up had to be Marco...cocky little thing went with his favorite morph: Gorilla.

The warmth of your embrace
Melts my frostbitten spirit
You speak the truth and I hear it
The words are I love you
And I have to believe in you

“You guys are all IDIOTS! I don't want to fight you! Rachel can tell you that I could've just broken all your necks in an instant and let the zombies eat your bodies!” David managed to yell out, flicking Ax's alien blood off his sword, “All I want is to go back to my big brother and my step-dad.” Only two of the Animorphs knew who the kid was referring and it brought a chill to their spines...Death and Conquest, Ellis and Nick, the two human beings who took him in, no questions asked. They gave him stability and a hearth to come back. No matter what mess he got into, David had them to lean upon, whether it be a war with the Yeerks, battling the Infected, or stopping the war between two insanity goddesses. They taught him to be the best little killer in the United States, passing their training and knowledge of the Infected down to him. And above all, they tried to give him a normal life.

Tiger claws met lion and the two beasts roared in defense. But before the grizzly bear could sneak up on him, David's tail instantly transformed into the rattlesnake and bit the enemy in the face, an indication that he was already at 98% , dangerously close to the Chimera berserk state. “What the hell?” Marco the Gorilla shrieked, backing off immediately as did Tobias and Cassie. The royal feline roared to the sky, displaying his dominance over Jake, just as the massive paw swiped clear across the face.

But who are you
You are the truth (you are the truth)
Outscreaming these lies
You are the truth (you are the truth)
Saving my life

David managed to drag himself back into the building, exhausted beyond all reason and covered in blood. He'd love to say that most of it wasn't his but in truth, it was split 50-50. Leaning against the elevator, he dialed the 5th floor and hoped to God no one entered with him. His breath was hitching and coughed up some blood into his hand. Yes, he was recovering and yes, it hurt to breathe. He knew he should've called for help but he couldn't bear El getting worried and doing something stupid like killing the Animorphs just because they threatened his safety. Note to self, get Miss Cordy some sunflowers before going to sleep, the young man thought and smiled genuinely. When the door dinged, he was greeting with the smells of Nick's cooking and the sounds of the mechanic chattering away. He was home and the moment he stepped one foot, his programmed sleep took over his frame and knocked him out.

You are the truth (you are the truth)
Outscreaming these lies
You are the truth (you are the truth)
Saving my life

[who] david, [verse] four horsemen of the apocalypse, [what] log

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