Title: Hands Held High In Uniform
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character/Pairing: Antonio, Sadik (briefly)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Antonio is just really rather tired, honestly.
Note: This is set in the silly and ridiculous cop & robber AU that
inquisitorial have been dorking about for a while. Long story short - Antonio is a cop, Sadik is a thief, and they start a very casual relationship that quickly turns very serious. tl;dr this is a short ficlet full of nonsense, derp derp.
Maybe becoming a cop for Antonio - who really rather liked to sleep and laze around, at least when he could - was not the best of career choices. The academy had nearly been hard enough, with all the training and expectations on his shoulder. But nothing could stand up to those first few days of long hours (and without a siesta, too!), except maybe those really annoying criminals that got on his nerves. Or maybe the captain of their unit, Kirkland. He could really get on Antonio's nerves, too.
But really, Antonio did like his job, he really did! Every smile he got from helping a citizen warmed his heart, and every nasty crook he caught made him feel like he was doing something good. Even if his friends teased him about it, he really did like being a cop.
But, somedays, those long, tiring hours really could get on his nerves. It'd been months since he'd gone out out for fun, either with his friends or just for those blind dates that Francis always tried to shove him on. No, the last two months had basically ended in disaster for his social life - first it was getting called in constantly, then someone tried to break into the shop next to the bar he was at, then Kirkland found him in some pub and screamed at him half the night. Really, it had been quite a while since he had been able to have any fun, and combined with the long hours, he was getting a little down.
The day had started off normal enough: wake up early, try to drag himself out of bed in time, get to work five minutes late, get snapped at by Kirkland before getting sent out on patrol for the hundredth time. Really, Antonio didn't mind patrol too bad - walking around was nice, and he'd get to chat with people as he went. But still, it could grow dull, and somedays they'd just be waiting for something to happen.
It didn't take too long that day - a few hours after he started his patrol, someone called about a robbery in progress just a block away from him, and Antonio suddenly found himself chasing down a thief through the streets. It did however take a little while for him to catch the supposed thief, and even longer to finally tackle him down.
The man fell with a bit of an "oof," barely even struggling as Antonio cuffed him and read him his rights. "Geeze, can't a guy just run through the streets without someone tackling him?" the man said, laughing as he looked at Antonio, more amused than annoyed.
Antonio was caught a little off guard suddenly. The man was… well, he was rather good looking, honestly. Even the way his laughter crinkled the edges of his eyes was rather handsome, and Antonio found himself with a very strange urge. An urge that Francis often liked to talk at length about, and tried to convince Gilbert and he to work on exploring more often.
Something started to twist in Antonio - really, he was a good cop! A very good cop! One who (usually) upheld the law best he could! But at the moment, all he could think of was rather unprofessional and, most likely, unlawful things. His head spun for a little more before he thought of Francis, and a rather interesting conversation they'd had about handcuffs a few years back. A rather interesting one that he could probably put to use in an interview room that no one would check. One that would let him blow off all that steam and frustration he'd been holding in for the past few months.
Well, he did deserve some sort of break, didn't he?
Antonio tried his best to smile evenly back, helping heft up the man and lead him back to the patrol car that wasn't very far. "Well, maybe you can explain for me just why you were running down at the station, hmmm? I have a very nice, very private room where we can chat about just that..."