No One cares about your blog. ..

Jan 17, 2007 20:53

wow. to begin from a page that hasn't been read in months that seem like years.

I am here.

i can't begin to understand what I feel. I think I am depressed, but it makes me feel like such an ass to not know for sure.

Two days ago was my father's birthday.
It broke my heart to remember, but in an attempt to not seem like a cry baby, I dropped it as soon as I announced it.

But I still feel sad.

My grandma died not too long ago, and it really didn't phase me.
What does bother me is the fact that little by little my mother is being reminded of what



and i feel sad for her. because if I have ever tasted loneliness, I know I almost died. So i can't fathom what goes in her mind. even less, her heart.

I love her. But she doesn't know.
And I can't help it.
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