Jun 30, 2008 16:54
Although things seem a little quiet & peaceful right now, they are actually anything but - which in this case, is a very good thing. >D
All this week I have not only our web guru, but also Shadows herself locked up and chained to their desks. That's right... no going to their regular jobs during the day - instead they must work on Shifters. And the sound of the whip seems to keep them focused alright. *crack* I have to admit, this is one of my favourite parts of my job... MUHAHAHAHAHA
So, what are they working on you might ask? Well, the web guru has been building a brand new shiny forum for the new site today. As I get questions from him on what features should be included, I will be creating polls on here to see what feedback YOU have, so check back & let us know your feedback.
And as for Shadowsmyst... aside from continuing storyline & art for the comic, she is also going to have some fun little teasers for you. ;) And to keep your minds active while you wait in anticipation... how about you give us some thoughts on what you would like? For instance, what characters would you like to see pics of? Any special requests?