
Jun 03, 2008 21:25

So I officially can completely and utterly for sure stay in my apartment. Sweet.
Liz and I started work a week and a half ago. I dont mind the "fast pace" or the "Tons to do" to be truthful the props are almost all taken care of for the first two shows and its only the first two weeks, and we have another week to go before the first production.
i do mond the people a bit.
First of all there is the expected oddness when a few new people join an established group of comrades. But come on people, seriously.
Oh and the lady that runs the tech shop lectured me and my boss about asking her when we bring in, borrow, or use anything in "her domain" or when we need to come in to work on anything. So now we all have to wait patiently like children while she is busy doing things, until we can ask her to borrow a ball of twine. Christ.
Then theres linda, whom liz cant stand. She has very particular specifications, but also doesnt want to spend a dime on anything. I understand being budget concious, but when we have a budget of 3000 for 4 productions, that comes out to roughly 750 for each production. So far we have almost everything and we've spent....25 dollars. We could have everythign already if she would let us have the fucking credit card for a couple hours. Also she treats the prop dept i.e. me, liz and my boss like we're chillins. As though were never going to get all this done even though we're almost finished without her help....GR.
But our boss is finally starting to warm up to us. until recently he's been a little distant, kind of...well lets say, recently divorced. I feel for the poor guy. I try to cheer him up.
I know I haven't shown up to most of your places, but I swear i really want to.
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