Slowaitus/Hiatus or whatever the heck you call it.

Mar 22, 2011 22:55

Having taken on a side art job on top of my regular hours at work, coupled with commissions, my energy level is getting to be non-existent these days. I'm hoping that once my job manages to afford to hire more people so that I'm not trying to juggle the work for two full-time positions, I'm going to be slower than usual. I'm still going to kick myself to be around for the event coming up, but for any tags I owe in threads, please let me know here so that I can bookmark them! That way I can get to them during my lunch break as well as the weekend.

This will be applying to asmallamoroso, seewithonlyone and tastefulfashion. On a side note with Romana, I am in the process of re-writing her history and moving her to a new journal, so whenever the canon update does happen in-game, she'll be all nice and ready for it.

Otherwise, I'm pretty sure everyone here knows where to find me, be it on LiveJournal or Plurk or e-mail.


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