Welcome, cast of
realityshifted! This is our very first red carpet event, and we plan to make it a very, uh, special one. But before we get to the results, I think some statistics are in order! We had a grand total of 35 categories, and 62 nominees! Wow! Thanks to all of the contestants, and don't worry, everyone's a winner here!
The losers nominees will all recieve their very own Turducken!
So they're our sponsor, you wanna fight about it?
But I know all of our contestants are eager to hear the results, so I won't stall any longer.
So without any further ado, I'm proud to present the first annual REALITYSHIFTED TV TROPES AWARDS SHOW!!
Our first category is a hotly contested one, with, technically, ten people vying for the prize of Most Likely to Save Christmas! The winner(s) will be amongst the ranks of Superman and Elmo! Those great heroes that save the most treasured holiday and bring happiness to children around the world are the ones worthy of admiration, and a direct to DVD movie that ends up at the bottom of the $1 DVD sale bins at Walgreens! Our nominees are...
- The Tenth Doctor
- All the Doctors Ever
And narrowly beating out the other, the winner is...
Congratulations, All the Doctors Ever! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a copy of Santa Claus Conquers The Martians!
私達の次の部門はかなりかわいいが、それは実際にこれが話す魚の訳者を通って完全に行っているので、重要ではない。しかしいずれにしても、この部門はほとんどの "moe" ゲームすべての特性。日本の特性と科学者間で、戦いは懸命に激怒しなかった。
Translators Note: Kawaii means cute
お祝い、アーサー! KANONのコピーを受け取る!
I-It's not like I'm giving this prize because I like you or anything! Stupid!
This award is for the most tsuntsun deredere character of all, and was a shoe-in for the winner. In fact, only one character was nominated! That makes tallying the votes easy.
Congratulations, Suiseiseki! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a batch of chocolates, but it's not like I made them for you, or anything!!
Next up is~ Most yandere. The nominees in this category, well, you should probably stay away from them. They appear cute and harmless, but underneath they are batshit crazy! They will do anything for ♥love♥, even if it's something silly like cutting off the head of a person that looked at their object of affection a little too much. The nominees are...
- The Master
- Lucy Saxon
- Diva
And by a single vote, the winner is...
Congratulations, Diva! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving an axe!
On to a little romance and away from scary character traits, we have the Biggest Chick Magnet. This is the guy that can get any girl, without even trying. He's no Casanova, but he's the guy that every girl wants, for whatever reason, be it his personality, good looks, or his big---Wait what is this show rated? Wait, it doesn't matter anyways. Our single nominee is Sam Tyler, so that last one isn't really an issue anyways. Or, so Annie says.
Congratulations, Sam! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a lifetime membership to the YMCA! Take that as you will.
Don't let the next batch of nominees fool you. They may have been around for some time, but they can still kick your ass to next Wednesday without even trying, whilst suffering from a gunshot wound to the groin. They are just that good. This guy is old enough to be your dad, or maybe even your grandpa, but he's still way cooler than you'll ever be. Sorry, but it's true. And our two nominees are too polite to tell you this themselves, so just take it to heart, okay?
-The Brigadier
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Brigadier! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a cane with a hidden switchblade in it. Awesome!
Even the girls want this next nominee. Oh, wait, that's actually the category, my bad. These nominees are lovely, charming women, who are able to attract men and women with ease. They are just that good. As one of the esteemed winners of this category once said, "Great, I'm like catnip for lesbians." The sexy nominees are...
-Annie Cartwright
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Reinette! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a pair of scissors.
And what could the previous category be without a male counterpart? We're an equal opportunity awards show, here. Men and women are both included into our yuri/yaoi goggles. Or something like that. Anyways, these men may not be talented in attracting women, but boy do they reel in the, uh, boys. Perhaps it's because, save for one nominee, they're all kind of adorable virgins and gender doesn't really matter anyways. The nominees are...
-The Master
-Arthur Eddington
-Chris Skeleton
And the winner is...
Wait, hold on, you're saying one of the virgins didn't win. Oh, that is not fair. That totally ruined the joke I was going to make about them being ruined for marriage now anyways. Whatever, congratulations, Master! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a...lifetime membership to the YMCA!
"Your presence itself is like shouting."
This quote describes our next batch of nominees. These people are so full of life and energy that you wish that they would shut up and possibly fall into a black hole for a while so you could get some peace of mind. Not like that would ever happen. Because these energetic, dare I say, genki people are going to rip through that black hole and come cheer you up anyways, regardless of whether you need it or not. Just don't give these nominees coffee, ever. For the love of god.
-Dorothy Gale
And the winner is...
(couldn't find a good picture, sorry!!)
Congratulations, Dorothy! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a pack of caffeine-free soda.
These two are the kind of heroes that will give you the most awe-inspiring speech imaginable, only to take a step, trip, and perhaps fall into peril. They also tend to become a messiah of some sort, but we'll just call that optional. After all, not everyone is blessed enough to have jesus-level powers. The nominees are...
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Emil! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving classes on motivational speaking.
Our next category is another that had only one nominee, and thus, the winner has already been decided. There was no epic battle between whores, but instead, one whore stands alone as the most lovable sex maniac! And he is probably the only one that would consider that title quite the honor!
(it's related, okay?)
Congratulations, Jack! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving condoms! Lots of them!
Next up is a category that, really, goes hand in hand with most yandere. This is the person that is destructive, mostly without reason. They have the highest body count, and the most amount of breaking-the-Plane, which the more senior members will remember as being a very bad thing. So, whoever the winner is, you can blame them if the Machine ever breaks again. After all, these nominees have the dangerous combination of being unreasonably strong, and really crazy. The nominees are...
-Aries Mu
-Andromeda Shun
-Aries Shion
And with a total body count of like six people, the winner is...
Congratulations, Diva! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a free ticket to an insane asylum. Yay!
Our next two nominees couldn't find their way out of a soccer net paper bag. They're kind of dumb, but it's endearing. Really, it is. Thus, they get the very eloquent title of being "derp". There is much debate over the origin of this term (not really), but we suspect it is actually an acronym, much like our next category! DERP, in fact stands for...Well, we're not sure what it stands for, but that "D" probably stands for "dumb". But remember, their fail and social awkwardness is pretty adorable more than, well, awkward.
The nominees are...
-Chris Skelton
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Chris! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a year's supply of comic books. Awww.
This nominee is one Badass Motherfucker. In fact, that's the category, where only one was nominated for such a title. The BAMF characters are those that are BadAss MotherFuckers, you see. Perhaps our nominee scared all the others away, or is simply so BAMF that everyone agrees. In any case, we don't want to stand up against her.
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Dorothy! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving an Xbox 360, because that's the closest thing to being badass as we're going to let you.
Our single-nominee for most seme is a woman who has a whip and knows how to use it. And likes using it. Most seme is an award for that person who absolutely refuses to be on the bottom. They want to be in control of the situation, sex or otherwise, and usually have a dominating personality. And may be kinky. But we'd be glad to bottom to this seme any day.
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Annie! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving fur-lined handcuffs. ♥
And what's a seme award without an uke award. These feminine, kawaii desu nominees are the ones that will get topped by Annie. Usually, pretty hard. These characters are pretty emotional, which is why they bottom at all, according the trope. And fanfics. Because no one switches positions in fandom. No one. Anyways, the nominees are...
-Arthur Eddington
-Sam Tyler
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Arthur! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a long night with Annie!
This nominee is a hero and he doesn't even know it. Yes, really. He may be a policeman just to beat people up and not get arrested for assault! No, we kid, he would never do that. Would he? This category is the most likely to be an accidental hero, meaning they were probably just standing around in a place where it looked like he saved the day.
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Ray! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a Nutrimatic Cup.
Ahh, Bachelor Auctions. A way for rich, horny old ladies to get their fix. Cougars or no, these nominees have no luck getting in relationships on their own, so they'll probably get signed up for these a-okay male objectifications parties. How much will be bid on them? Well, that's another story entirelly. But the nominees for most likely to be in a bachelor auction are...
-Jeremiah Arkham
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Handy! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a ticket to a Bachelorette Auction! Wait, those don't exist. Never mind.
But we can't have male objectification without female objectification. Duh! I already told you, we're an equal opportunity awards show. So our next nominees are two lovely ladies that are so hot, that they're most likely to be in a beach episode. The bachelor auction participants, unfortunately, are not allowed to come to such an event. The nominees are...
-Peri Brown
-Bai Tza
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Handy! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a slingshot bikini!
You know that one scene in Pirates of the Caribbean when Jack gets chased by the natives? You don't? Well, screw you. That's our next category! Most likely to be chased by angry natives! And these nominees, most assuredly, deserve it.
-Gene Hunt
-All of the Doctors
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Doctors! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a lovely bunch of coconuts!
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Our next two nominees, of course! They can't contest Snow White, maybe, but they can surely upstage her jealous step-mom. The nominees are...
-Sam Tyler
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Reinette! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a mirror. Of course.
When you find Judas, it's not really a good thing. Generally, it means that your friend sold you out. But don't worry--they have the best intentions in mind. Not to you, since you're the culprit, but they're still not a villain. Just have some hugs, and it'll be all better! Of course...unless you end up in jail. Then, just watch the soap. The nominees are...
-Gregory House
-Edward Nygma
And the winner is...
Congratulations, House! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a bottle of Vicodin! Wait, what?
Hand in hand with most yandere, these nominees are most likely to murder the hypotenuse! If someone gets in between their love--watch out. You might lose a limb! Or, something worse. We hear these nominees get pretty creative. Ironically, the nominees are also married. We just hope this award won't be considered a hypotenuse, or something. The nominees are...
-Lucy Saxon
-The Master
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Lucy! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving an axe! Where do these prizes come from anyways?
We wouldn't call our next nominee unlucky in love. It's more like they're...well, allergic to it. It could be literal, or they could be gynophobic, but...Well, we'll just go with them being pretty socially awkward and maybe never seeing a woman. Oops.
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Hei! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving free tickets for a date of your choice! If you can find a woman. Ouch.
Our next set of awards focuses on ♥love♥! Not always good love, but love and relationships, nonetheless. Or bromances. Yeah, everyone loves bromances. Our first couple is one such bromance. Best battle couple is a pair of individuals who work well together, especially in a touch situation! And they kick ass while doing so!
And the winners are...
Congratulations, Sam and Gene! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a new car! Good luck sharing it.
Next up is a pair that would probably be better as friends. And, considering their relationship drama, I'm sure that they agree too!
And the winners are...
It's still relevant.
Congratulations, Lucy and Doctor! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving marriage counseling classes. Wait, that's not right...
Oh well.
And next up is another combination of scary husband and wife. This category, the best Bonnie and Clyde is named after the infamous outlaws, robbers, and criminals Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. Of course, this pair is just as much outlaws, robbers, and criminals, though they're probably too classy to admit to such "base terms". Sociopath would probably be more fitting and flattering, to them.
And the winners are...
Congratulations, Lucy and the Master! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a 1932 Ford V-8 B-400 Convertible Sedan.
Next up is twincestiest! Because the Plane is so magical, we get the phenomenon of multiple David Tennants showing up! There are no other repeats of characters or actors. Seriously. But anyways, this was a contest to find the twincestiest of them all! Unfortunately, there was only one nominee...
And the winners are...
Congratulations, Doctors! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a pair of "I'm With Stupid" shirts!
Finally, a contested pairing! For best OTP we have two nomine---
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(Due to techinical difficulties, this award cannot be broadcast)
---Well. That left me tired, so let's just say that the Best OT3 is Axel/Namine/Roxas. You get a free flower wreath courtesy of Excalibur. Please listen to his legend, since he won't shut up now...
Back to the awards, now that Excalibur has been thrown into a firey pit!! The best OT^N, meaning any amount of characters, actually has two nominees!!
-Jack/The Universe
And the winners are...
Congratulations! Since half of it is the universe, we cannot give out a prize to the universe. Sorry Jack. Enjoy your condoms.
Our next category is most likely to be a little black dress! Meaning, this is that person that you can ship with anyone! And we mean anyone. Even Excalibur. The nominees are...
-Sam Tyler
And the winner is...
Congratulations, Handy! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving a little black dress! How original, I know.
And finally, our second to last category is for the best Betty and Veronica. This trope comes from the Archie comics, and describes two girls one cup and the one guy they're both after. Betty is your nice girl next door, and a sweet person, while Veronica is wild, and shining on like the crazy diamond she is. The object of their affections, however, is probably some wimpy dude that magically got a harem. So, obviously, Betty and Veronica just need to run off together and live happily ever after. Without Archie. The nominees are...
-Handy and Lucy Saxon
-Annie Cartwright and Diva
And the winners are...
Congratulations, Annie and Diva! Along with the trophy, you'll also be receiving an all expenses paid vacation to the Bahamas together!
Well, it's been a great night with you all. We only have one category left, and it's certainly the most, uh, interesting. There was really only one nominee, but in a come from behind win, best penis and pancakes goes to...