002: Right or Wrong Must Depend on Weak or Strong [Closed]

Nov 01, 2010 14:22

Characters: Leela of the Sevateem
Location: Unknown / The Television Screen
Time: During a Commercial Break
Summary: The warriors of the Sevateem are said to be fearless but, in the end, even the bravest have a price.
Warnings: N/A

In the end, everyone has a price. What is your price, Leela of the Sevateem?

The words appeared on the screen while Leela was prowling the windowless room in search of an escape. She did not expect to find one, but, at the same time, she refused to accept. It might have been a game to their captors, but it was a matter of life or death for Leela and, if she had to play along, she would make her own rules.

“What do you want this time?” she demanded when she finally approached the computer, ignoring the question. “What do you wish to buy?”

For what would you betray those on the Plane?.

“I would not betray them!,” she snarled, her expression one of obvious disgust. “Not for anything!”

There is always something you value more.

“Then you have never met a warrior before.”

And you have not considered larger consequences.

“What consequences?”

Sometimes, you must betray someone to save them.

This time, Leela’s reply was a little less confident.



“Romana?” Her response was immediate, electric and furious. “Where is she? If you have hurt her ...”

Before she could finish her threat, she was interrupted by a fresh line of text.

Time will hurt her. Or you could save her. And Braxiatel.

And the Doctor.

“Time will hurt us all,” Leela replied, in a softer voice, but she was no longer certain in her answers, “Romana knows that. She does not fear that.”

But she frowned and, after a moment of silence, spoke again. In the stories of her youth, the warriors of the Sevateem had always been fearless. She was not. She feared losing those that mattered to her. She feared failing those that mattered to her.

“How? How can I save them?”

Merely by naming them as your choice.

“I do not trust you. How do I know you will truly save my friends?”

It is bad business to break promises.

“Then save them!” she exclaimed, “Save my friends. Promise that you will not hurt them.”

Is that your choice?

“Yes! Yes, I choose to save my friends. And if this is some trick, I swear that I will not rest until my blade finds your throat.”

That is a bit harsh. This was only a hypothetical question.

But it was more than just a question, wasn’t it? The words on the screen had found and exposed Leela’s weakness, leaving her feeling like a helpless child.

The machine was right. She had a price and her price was the safety of those she loved.

doctor who (d1) leela of the sevateem

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