Characters: Damon
doctorsfanboy and Jamie McCrimmon
bonnypiperladLocation: Damon's quarters on Gallifrey/Two's console room
Time: After Damon's post, and Jamie's log with Oliver
Summary: Damon gets to see the Doctor's TARDIS, but it's not the one he's expecting...
Warnings: Extreme adorableness?
Initially, Damon wasn't remotely aware that there was anything wrong or out of place in his quarters. He was so tired he didn't notice much of anything at all, except his bed. So he slept (albeit restlessly), for three or four hours. When he finally woke up, however, he noticed something odd. And he wondered if he was still asleep, because he really shouldn't be able to access a TARDIS console room from his bedroom, but that seemed to be the case.
He stepped into his open closet, glancing around curiously. "...Doctor?" Perhaps their universes had finally merged. Granted, it didn't look like the Fifth Doctor's console room, but the one on the Plane was an alternate version.