Characters: Straxus (
damn_time_ring) and the Ninth Doctor (
Location: The hotspring on the Plane
Time: Now (and presumably after
this for Nine.)
Warnings: Potential for an embarrassed Time Lord. Take a guess which one!
Humor is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him. )
Comments 50
"Finally decided bathing in public wasn't so bad, have you?"
"I haven't--it wasn't public before now," he stammered and began wringing out the towel. Then he thought better of it and simply chucked the towel at the other Time Lord.
"What've you been up to lately?"
Eventually he sighed, relaxing a little--he had a feeling the Doctor wasn't going anywhere now--and finally replied, with a grimace, "Running. Actual running from place to place." He paused and then added, "To place to place, so on and so forth."
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