Mar 01, 2010 01:01

  • 10:58 knowing people from Central & South America is a blessing/curse these past few months. I hope my brother's family is okay in Chile. #
  • 11:21 waitaminute, they're stopping production on Hummers and nobody told me?! why was I not informed of this AMAZINGLY AWESOME NEWS? #
  • 12:08 @ dcorsetto I've never had a problem with it. #
  • 12:20 oh man you guys there's a UCONN game during the USA/Canada hockey game. DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE DAMMIT #
  • 12:34 eff it, I choose Olympic hockey. sorry UConn, at least dad is watching you I'm sure. #
  • 13:45 Eat like Olympians: at... McDonald's? if you say so. I wonder if the girls team can sue for slander. #
  • 14:34 dammit guys, I had things to do today! when I have no groceries this week, I'll blame Canada. #
  • 16:46 apparently twitdroid's auto-tinyurl option is evil. been trying to link for the past ten minutes. #
  • 17:16 you can't see it but I've got a big ol' Cheshire Cat grin: Disney's 'Alice in Wonderland' Not so wonderful? via LATimes #
  • 18:22 @ Lancebowski will check it out, thanks! #
  • 19:10 @ classicbri sadly the title is from the book it was initially based off of (until Sanders came on & changed the story) - does look good tho. #
  • 19:21 @ classicbri only instructional videos. #
  • 19:24 dear every studio I've applied to in the past year: write back. seriously, this is driving me nuts. just say 'no' if you don't want me. thnx #
  • 19:26 @ classicbri I expect a full report on what a trendy, hip dragon related title might be. #
  • 19:33 @ classicbri obviously. I was hoping for something more along the lines of "Dragon Trainers: Kick Some Tail March 2010" #
  • 19:41 HA. I was wondering how this was legal. turns out, it isn't! #
  • 19:49 @ classicbri safety hazard primarily. There are posters like this up all over but this building is in an area with huge ped&car traffic. #
  • 19:49 @ classicbri if it fell it could literally kill a person. also, it's ugly, that's a crime in LA doncha know. #
  • 20:36 Molly Hartley has 3% on rt but so far I love it. then again I don't really like horror films so I wouldn't know a bad one if I saw it? #
  • 20:36 either that or it's about to get a lot worse. #
  • 21:33 Dear @yelp, why are all your events in the middle of the week? What's the point of being Elite if I can't go to any of them? #
  • 23:27 applied for a job as a script-reader on a whim. so now I have another company I can wait for to write me back that never will. good. #
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