Feb 08, 2008 16:59
Went over to Cazzy’s today
So we could have a play
She’s a dole bludger, I am too
Guess what Dole bludgers do?
They watch Dr Phil and his psycho guests,
struggling with “real” life tests
Oh! Far superior, it does makest us feel,
To see how, with problems, other people, badly deal
One really ought to know,
We aspire to be on that show
(…our parents would be soooo proud.
divulging personal problems on TV. Out loud.)
With care,
(For lunch) she did prepare
Pasta bake and cookies
Make no mistake.
Her cooking was ....mmmyes, mmmyes.
Would I fake?
And some wonderfully depressing topics, we chose to discuss
multinational companies, racism, whaling,
seal clubbing
and more
Just thinking of it, makes my funny shaped head, extra sore
All you can really do is laugh
People are bumptiously daft.
We hate everything
Everything, we do hate
The world is doomed
Trust me,
we know best
(I love you Cazzy! Thank you for today.)