Not easy ...

Apr 29, 2020 15:04

It’s been a difficult few weeks .

.. I’m mentally and physically spent and don’t know what to say or how to say it but I’m bordering on some sort of sleep-deprived-baby-caused insanity. It’s hard being stuck inside and not having support from my parents or friends.

I miss seeing friends and family so much!!!

Calebs eczema is still very itchy and uncomfortable. He’s scratching his thighs, neck, chest, backs off his knees and his wrists constantly - until he’s red and raw OR if he gets his mitts off he’ll scratch til he bleeds. It’s a sad sight. Makes me feel like the worst parent in the world that I can’t soothe his pain or make it go away. I’ve been told to give up dairy, eggs, alcohol and caffiene! That’s a shitty diet that’s worse than being preggers. It’s been a week without eggs and dairy so far and nothing really is helping.

We have his 6 month check up and immunizations on Friday and will be asking for prescriptions for more steroids and also for anti histamine / immune suppression tablets.

Anyway - I’m exhausted, lonely, sad and feeling hopeless (party COVID iso related). I look forward to the day when I can communicate what’s going on and help him manage his discomfort.
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