My first journal

Sep 18, 2005 17:17

OMG. I love this site. I've been reading erin and sam's journals. This is my first journal so.. better make it good! I cant hear a damn thing in this house cauze my dad and his friend are playin drums and the guitar...AGAIN! so newayz...first topic of discussion ofcourse is....SCHOOL.   this year sucks in a way, cause i never see my close friends, but it could be alot worse, sooo im not complainin that much!  i dunno it doesn't even feel like i'm a junior, but whatever! The teachers are ok. I'm actually glad i got switched out of the 65 ppl. chorus for marketing cause I see alot more cute senior guys now !ahhhhh..nick ******* lol My goal this year: to talk to him! lol doubt that will happen. I dunno i usually like dark- haired guys but for some reason he's different.  Gym sucks (doesn't it always) but this year  i have it 9/10 per. and then math and english. OOOO man does that suck!  that's all i have to complain about school.   O yea 2day, i went to bon ton with mi madre and got the cutest pair of brown pants and a green lomg- sleeve shirt. i'm startin to looove green cause idunno, ppl. say it looks good on red-heads and i think i just love it, but neways i gots 2 go now 2 get stupid graph paper for math ! C ya lata!!
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