FList Meme + Some 07-Ghost Anime Rant

May 22, 2009 10:31

Loads of updating needed to be done yet I'm posting another meme. Yeah, I'm lazy like that. XD

Stolen from chibisapphire

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2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word, etc.
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7. In return, you must post this in your LJ.

By the way. People who did the 07-Ghost anime? AKA Studio DEEN people? Go die, please. >< I was watching episode 7 awhile ago and, well, everything just felt so wrong. Everything. Although you deserve credit for making my sweet sweet Kuroyuri finally talk (whose voice I find so terribly adorable XD), it doesn't change the fact that you've been wasting so much air time endlessly dragging Mikage's story when that should've happened 5 episodes earlier. I love Mikage but I wish the plot stayed as original as it was in the manga. Original = less Kor encounters + fillers. The animation has also gone duller and duller much to my dismay. Whatever happened to those cool zaiphon sequences yo? Agh. The fight scenes don't even compare to those of the manga, which I find rather sad and disappointing. And don't even get me started with that distracting opera bg; I seriously hate it. >< Guess the manga's just too awesome that I expected so much from the anime? *sighs* I might drop this show sooner or later. Unless someone would be willing to enlighten me of course.


meme, 07-ghost

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