Fandom Meme Ver.3

Jan 02, 2009 20:40

Another (slightly-modified) meme snagged from chibisapphire-gozaru~! XD

Reader-san, please pick from up to three of my fandoms and I'll answer the following for you↓

Favorite Character:
Least Favorite Character:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character I'd most want to kiss:
Character I'd most likely screw (around with? ^^;):
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shieyume January 22 2009, 17:12:57 UTC
Gomen Ami-chan. Late replies sure are late. -_-

Fandom: Peace Maker Kurogane
Favorite Character: Souji Okita
Least Favorite Character: Maro. Pyro maniacs + dark-lipped daimyos = not my type of gaaaay. X(
Character with the best hair: Souji (though I like the Yamazaki siblings' too)
Character with the best eyes: Akesato. She's originally green-eyed ne?
Character I'd most want to kiss: Hnn...Souji? XD
Character I'd most likely screw (around with? ^^;): Hijikata. A decision inspired by the uproarious haiku episode. XD
Character I'd make lunch for: Tetsu (though the Shinsengumi already has Ayu-nee for that)
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Ryoma
Character I'd go shopping with: Tatsu-nii or Ayu-nee, either of the two.
Character I'd go dancing with: SAIZO!
Character I'd take over the world with: The epic Shinsengumi trio - Sano, Shinpachi and Heisuke! XD I definitely could not go w/ only a single character on this.
Character I'd most want to cosplay as: Susumu
Favorite Het. Pairing: Is there? Susumu x Akesato I guess.
Favorite BL / Yaoi pairing: The most canon of 'em all - Hijikata x Souji. Hurrah! =D
Favorite Yuri pairing: N/A

Fandom: D.N.Angel
Favorite Character: Satoshi Hiwatari (or Hikari)
Least Favorite Character: A tie between Dark Mousy (I'm siding with Krad =P) and Mio Hio. They get on my nerves. :P
Character with the best hair: Daisuke the redhead. ^^
Character with the best eyes: Towa
Character I'd most want to kiss: Satoshi of course! >.<
Character I'd most likely screw (around with? ^^;): Saehara I guess.
Character I'd make lunch for: Strawberry-filled lunches for Wiz! =D
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Risa
Character I'd go shopping with: Risa, with that good fashion sense of hers, would be perfect. Hmm...Emiko and I could do some thorough haggling too. ^_^
Character I'd go dancing with: Satoshi
Character I'd take over the world with: Uh, hard to think of any... *talks to self* Would Krad do? ^^;
Character I'd most want to cosplay as: Risa
Favorite Het. Pairing: Satoshi x Risa. (coz I dislike Risa being paired-up with either Dark or Daisuke or any other character for that matter XP)
Favorite BL / Yaoi pairing: Satoshi x Daisuke
Favorite Yuri pairing: N/A


chibisapphire February 7 2009, 06:38:27 UTC
A really late reply too ..
gomenne DX

I don't like Risa with either too... It best Her with Satoshi..I won't mind though I am a Satoshi fangirl de gozaru XD


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