The writings we call Scripture, from Genesis to Revelations, is a great tool, and the instruction manual from which we build the foundation of our faith. The structure of Scripture is such that the revelation of the Elohim who created is progressive. If we start in Genesis and carefully read with thoughtful consideration until the end of
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David: 'Lest one eat of his flesh and blood...'
What do those stand for and how does one eat?
David: 'Moses said, "I put before you this day," and mentions the two trees again, though in a veiled sense.'
This Scripture you speak of starts Duet 30:15. He goes on to say exactly what life is and what death is. It has all to do with keeping the commandments, statues, judgments, and ordinances of YHWH. I do not see it saying anything different than that. If you want to have life, then obey your Creator and cling to Him. If you want death than disobey His instructions. You are going to have to be more specific if you want to show me the two trees. In this Scripture it is all about obeying or not.
David: 'We must determine to accept Life and see with new eyes as new creatures in Messiah.'
I would agree. This is the thing that is out of my control. This is the free gift from YHWH. I would not have been able to keep the 10 commandments correctly unless YHWH changed my heart. I used to be a thief as a child. I would not have thought twice about going after someone elses wife while I was in my youth. I would not have fallen in love with the Name ( verbal and character) of YHWH. I would have still had crucifixes (idols) of 'Jesus' on a cross (pagan symbol) in my worship of 'Him'...on the wrong days, in the wrong ways...playing religion...etc. Since that time that I asked for Him to change me, those problems were taken off my heart and now I see things totally different. It was not something that I did myself, it was the free gift from YHWH that did this for me. I no longer have that 'mindset' to even think about doing those things any more. I do not boast about was the power of YHWH that did it for me. This is what I can witness to. For all those that are out there that 'do those things they wish they would not do', I can witness that He changed me and He can change you too...from the inside out.
David: 'Or do we see coded legality we need to dress the flesh up to match, to try to be good and not evil...'
I do not see coded legality. I see the path in which to approach YHWH. I see the things that I should be doing once my heart was changed. Again, if I were trying to do this by my own power I would be in an uphill battle. But since YHWH did the work (the Father circumcising His son), it is not a struggle it is now 'my nature' where it was not before. This is the good news!
David: 'Elohim deeply desires we be in intimate relationship, and the way is open through Messiah...'
How? How does one have an intimate relationship with YHWH THROUGH Messiah? What does the THROUGH mean?
One eats of him by faith in his Word. He said who he is. He said what he came to do for us. He said how we should follow him by faith. If a person really believes and receives him by faith, now that his work is done, they can be born of the Spirit, a new creation in Messiah. That is Life. No man has eternal Life until that moment. This is when a person can finally worship in spirit and in truth and connect with YHWH in spirit, having a personal relationship.
Exactly, the man born of the Spirit changes, from the inside out. However, beware of making dogma out of your path of experience he has taken you on so far to grow in his likeness and image. There are plenty of born again people who are changed from what they were, and YHWH is still working on them from the inside out, who do not agree that there is something wrong with a crucifix symbol, for example. I disagree with you on that point, and I'm a changed man by the Holy Spirit. The crucifix is a symbol of what Yahshua did on the cross. Nothing more, nothing less. No pagan religion has a Savior who died on the cross for them. What you have done is taken the inward heart change and leading of the Spirit further in the flesh (by your natural thinking), when you started learning from men's knowledge (probably on the internet) of what is "pagan" and what "true believers" should avoid. I did the same thing for a time until later the Spirit corrected me on such points of the knowledge of good and evil that was still coming from the twisted thinking of the natural/carnal mind.
You walk with him, like Adam did in the garden, only right now your flesh cannot perceive such (normally) so it is in spirit and as far as your natural yes are concerned it is mostly by faith.
All I know is that from the time I've been in Messiah until now I can feel the connection with his Spirit in my inner man (the NT calls this the seal of the Holy Spirit so that we know we are saved/have eternal life), and when I focus on him through thanksgiving, praise, prayer, and other acts of worship, his presence goes from being in my innermost being (holiest place of the temple I am for the Holy Spirit) and manifests in the sanctuary (mind) and courts (flesh). It becomes tangible. I hear his Voice in various ways and am directly directed by the Spirit.
It is no different than having a relationship with my wife or father or someone else I'm close to. I spend time with them, getting to know them, etc. We do not have a legal code between us - we have mutual love, trust, respect, etc. It all hinges on love. I love Him because He first loved me, of course, but now we are in love with one another. I like nothing more than to spend time in his Presence communing with him. The veil is rent and I can do this anytime anywhere. I even converse with him often at work, though under my breath or just silently, as he knows my thoughts.
I want to always be in his manifest presence, the glory filling and overflowing the temple at all times, just walking with him as real as I'm walking with a human being.
With love in Messiah, and blessings in his name to you and yours,
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