Feb 09, 2009 22:26
There are diverse gifts and anointing among believers in the Body of Messiah but one Spirit who gives all (1 Cor 12:4). I'd like to cover some of these diversities as well as point out the gifts that are for every believer to operate in to some degree. Lastly we will look at the gifts Messiah has given to the Body, not to be confused with the gifts the Holy Spirit gives.
Natural Ability Anointed
The Holy Spirit will anoint us to operate in something we are naturally able to do, but we become supernatural in it when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. For example, a person may be good at teaching, but the effectiveness of the ministry of teaching they operate in is increased by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Teaching is when someone takes a subject and dissects it, showing those being taught how things work, relate, etc. Teaching the Word is basically expounding on what the Word says, breaking it down and giving details to help others understand better something of the Word they may not have understood much before. Teaching is a great gift in the Body, as it helps mature people in the knowledge of the faith. As Paul said, we who teach don't want you to be ignorant of things, because that helps no one.
The Holy Spirit will anoint some to preach. Any one can have the natural ability to preach. Famous secular orators, even Hitler, are examples of men who could naturally preach very well. However, to build the Kingdom with the tool of preaching, it needs to be supernaturally anointed. If the anointing of the Holy Spirit is not on the preaching, it will only affect the natural realm. It may get believers pumped up and excited, but it will not produce real spiritual fruit.
Preaching is proclamation or exclamation. When someone preachers the Word, we mean he or she proclaims the Word - often with great exclamation from passion. I've operated and seen many operate in the preaching anointing, and when it comes on you, it is very hard to stay calm, cool, and collected speaking softly. When I teach I speak softly uses, but when that preaching anointing comes, it revs you up and gets you going, like fire shut up in the bones (as Jeremiah said).
People can mimic this and work it up in the flesh, but there is a noticeable spiritual difference when the anointing is on preaching and when it is just exciting the flesh. Some of the most powerful times of the preaching anointing I've experienced, it was like the words coming out of the preachers mouth were coming in waves with such force to the listeners, it was like it could almost knock you right backwards out of your seat. It wasn't physical, but it was felt spiritually. Inwardly I could sense the waves of anointing power coming with the words.
Kathy recently preached in SC at a small assembly, and in only five minutes people were weeping in their seats and being greatly affected by the anointing. Those people may have heard similar words 100 times before, but it wasn't the words breaking the hard ground and doing the work of deliverance in their lives. It was the anointing on the preaching.
We aren't talking about people crying because the preacher is beating them up with words of condemnation until people feel so bad about themselves that they start crying. Hurting people's feelings is not the goal of good preaching. The point is to bring people into Messiah, build them up in Messiah, and encourage the growth of their faith. If there are yokes of bondage the enemy has the people in, the anointing will break those yokes off.
The preacher, unlike the teacher, is not expounding in detail to help someone understand the subject. He or she is simply stating what the Word says, as a matter of fact, without explanation. While teaching helps the understanding of believers become fruitful, preaching helps produce faith in the Word. Both are important and great gifts in the Body, when the speaking is anointed and not simply people talking to us for a time.
Any natural talent or ability a person has, whether oration, music and song, or something else, can be anointed by the Holy Spirit to operate supernaturally and cause spiritual changes. When anointed music and song comes forth, it can even drive away evil spirits. Think of when David was called to play music for King Saul, because and evil spirit was vexing Saul. When David would strike up the tune, the anointing would break the yoke of bondage and drive away the evil spirit.
There is nothing like anointed music. There are levels of anointing with all gifts, and so the music can be more or less anointed. I've seen music be so anointed, that the glory of the Most High actually came in to the meeting place tangibly (I've witnessed this personally), and lives became changed just during praise and worship in music - no sermon, no teaching, no prophesying, etc. If musicians and singers want to be used mightily with great anointing, they need to spend much time seeking the presence of YHWH in their own time, seeking his face, spending time with him, and then come and lead the people the same place (his throne). They must learn and practice being sensitive to the moving of the Holy Spirit.
A wrong decision in song choice can cause the anointing to lift, while the right choice can cause us to enter in even deeper. I've witnessed this many times, but it seems most musicians, singers, and "worship leaders" cannot discern this, because they seem clueless when they just went a direction without the Spirit and the anointing lifted in the meeting. I can literally feel it lift, like the glory was coming in and settling down on us, and then suddenly they switch to another song and the anointing lifts like a bird taking flight. Several times I've just wanted to yell up to the worship leader, "No, no, no! Get back with what the anointing was on - it left when you went that direction - go back!" But, I've never done that. That is where the leadership must also be sensitive in that group of believers and be able to discern such things, and teach the worship leader behind the scenes to grow more sensitive to the moving of the Spirit.
YHWH does not just operate inside the boxes we've created for him. Not long ago, the Spirit moved on me to prophesy over a young lady we know, that he wanted to use her art and anoint it. I'm not sure if she'll take that serious and pray over her art, and spend a lot of time in his presence getting inspiration and anointing, but I hope so. See, the anointing is an amazing thing. If she paints a work with the anointing on her, it will affect lives spiritually when people look at the work of art. Natural art is simply either pleasing to someone to look at, or it is not. But, if a work is anointed by the Holy Spirit, it will work supernaturally to change lives.
You have talents and abilities. You are good at some things. Don't undervalue what YHWH has already given you. Seek to consecrate such unto him, for the use of his Kingdom work, and he'll anoint it. If you are faithful with a little, he'll give you more. One day, if you remain faithful, you'll be operating in a great anointing in that way, to build the Kingdom with your giftedness.
Over everything else, consecration is the primary thing. You must consecrate yourself and your gifts, if you want the anointing.
Gifts of the Spirit
In 1 Cor 12 we find 9 gifts of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. These gifts from the Holy Spirit are manifestations of the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit. They do not originate with natural ability or gifts. That is why things like teaching and preaching are not listed there. These gifts are completely supernatural, and no human being as them unless the Holy Spirit gives them. No one is born with the gift of prophecy or gifts of healing.
We are told to earnestly desire and seek after these gifts. We are told that we are not to be ignorant of them. The first definition of ignorance is when someone is ignoring something. Believers have greatly committed the sin of ignoring these spiritual gifts. Don't ignore them any longer if you have been. It is the will of our Father in heaven that we receive of these gifts and operate in such for the building of his Kingdom on earth, as in heaven.
If we do not use these tools to build the Kingdom, we will not be able to do it all correclty. We need the right tools for the job, and we find these 9 are listed as the primary supernatural tools used for Kingdom building. 7 of them were present in the old covenant with Israel, with two new additions in the new covenant. Unlike in the old covenant when only some prophets operated in these supernatural gifts, all believers have access to receive of them and operate by them.
Consider these the power tools of construction. When we use these gifts, building the Kingdom not only becomes possible, but so much easier than just using the natural abilities that are anointed (such as teaching or music). We know what a difference it has made for mankind to have power tools for building natural things. It is like this for the Kingdom also. If you and your group are lacking in these gifts, it is like your group is the Amish building a rustic barn, versus a construction team building the Empire State Building.
I don't know about you, but I want to build big for YHWH. I want the power tools that are necessary to get that job done!
I'll run through the gifts quickly to explain each one briefly.
The Inspirational Gifts
There are three gifts that are inspirational, meaning the Holy Spirit gives them to us to inspire. These gifts edify, encourage, and exhort. Preaching and teaching can do this also, but this is a supernatural category that does not include preaching and teaching.
The primary of the three is prophecy. This is when the Holy Spirit gives a word to someone who then speaks it forth in their natural language. The word is supernatural, but spoken through the natural, and can be understood by those who know that language. This is not a prediction of the future, but the main purpose is edification, exhortation, or encouragement. The prophetic may contain things about the past, present, or future, but prediction of the future is never the main purpose of the gift of prophecy that the whole Body may partake in.
Prophecy is a declaration of YHWH - a "thus says YHWH." For example, he could give me a word for someone in a prayer line after a meeting and I repeat it, "YHWH says you don't believe you are worthy or worth much, but I say you are my son bought with a great price, and your value is great to me." That is scriptural and could be taught on or preached to, but there is a difference when we receive the word just for that person or group and prophesy it over them. The example above also included a word of knowledge which we'll get to in a bit.
Prophecy is a very powerful gift, much more than you probably realize right now. This gift is the primary supernatural gift the Holy Spirit intends to use to set captives free and turn them around in Messiah. Preaching often causes men to desire to repent, and make a mental decision to change. But, prophesy will often just break the bondage right off, right there, and what was once a slave to sin, is free indeed, with no decision to change - they were just changed by the Sovereign. I've seen this happen many times already.
We don't always see the results immediately like that, however, when we prophesy to someone or a group. Sometimes the affect is immediate and noticeably powerful, and other times it begins a work but we don't see the fruit for some time.
The message in tongues is the next inspirational gift. This is when the word given by the Spirit is not given directly to the speaker in his learned language. Rather, it comes in a language he has not learned, but is given the utterance to speak. The message is often a prophecy, but needs to be interpreted if no one understands it in their known language.
Interpretation of tongues is the third gift in this category, and really is the other half to the message in tongues. It is the interpretation (not translation) of what was said in the unknown language.
We are not talking about individuals praying or singing to YHWH in tongues here. We are talking about a message from YHWH that comes in tongues, rather than the learned language of the speaker. This is new to the new covenant Assembly, and is a sign of such people of the Vine. There should be an abundance of these two operating together in the midst of groups of believers in Messiah, but the devil has been crafty to steal this from the people through deception, fear, and other tactics.
The end result of the message in tongues that is interpreted is equal to prophesying. It is really neat, however, to watch the Spirit use two people to bring it forth through tongues and interpretation. It is not required in Scripture that it be two people. The same person speaking is free to receive the interpretation and give that too. It is just neater (in my opinion) to watch two people in different places among the congregation work together.
If the interpretation doesn't come forth, it either means that someone is present who understands that language and received the message the Spirit was giving, so the Spirit didn't move to give the interpretation, or the interpretation is being given to someone but they are not receiving it and speaking it out to the congregation. This could be due to ignorance, fear, or some other reason. I think it is usually that the person does not understand they have the interpretation because of their ignorance (lack of knowledge).
For example, the person could be thinking an interpretation would only come in the form of words in their mind as a verbatim translation of what was spoken in tongues, and since that is not happening, they ignore the real interpretation they were just given via a mental picture (vision) and understanding of its meaning in their spirit. See, it does not have to be a translation, word for word. It is an interpretation of the MEANING of what was spoken in tongues.
I've heard someone speak in tongues for 1 minute and the interpretation go 5 minutes, or in other cases 30 seconds. Some in ignorance will judge that it can't be right, because it didn't sound like the same length of message between the two. Scripture never says it will be a translation, so get that idea (box you've put YHWH in) out of your head.
It could come in the form of words only. You could actually say, "YHWH says...." when you operate in interpretation. But, don't put YHWH in an box and think he has to give the interpretation the way you think best. Let him (and look for him) to give it his way - be sensitive and watchful.
Usually in meetings I've been in where someone was given the interpretation but didn't realize it and speak it forth, a mature spiritual person present will then get it. The Holy Spirit can move to someone else if the person originally given the opportunity does not respond. If it doesn't come quickly, just pray for it (ask - Paul said we can ask for the interpretation).
The Revelation Gifts
There are three gifts that bring revelation. There function is to reveal something to us that we did not have revealed before. It is like YHWH takes a piece of what he is aware of, that we are not, and gives that awareness to us.
The first gift in this category is the word of knowledge. This is when knowledge YHWH has, that the man does not, is imparted. For example, in the prophesying example I gave above, the first portion was the word of knowledge in operation while the second part was the prophesying part. The word of knowledge was, "YHWH says that you do not believe you are worthy or worth much..." The person saying that cannot know the heart of the other person, but YHWH does. He imparted that knowledge to the minister.
The second is the word of wisdom. I believe this can be supernatural wisdom imparted as instructions concerning how to do something, that we otherwise would not know how to handle, the way YHWH wants. For example, in the example of the word of knowledge given with prophesying, a word of wisdom could follow and the minister say, "Take communion while meditating on what Paul wrote concerning the blood and the body." I know that could be a natural instruction, but the difference is, when YHWH gives us a word of wisdom to do something that will lead to a supernatural change, we didn't think it up in our minds "Oh, it would be good to tell this guy to take communion and meditate on what Messiah did for him," but rather the Holy Spirit was telling how he would get set free from bondage and come into a greater freedom in Messiah, to be useful for the Kingdom.
If the instruction is natural, it will have natural results. If it is supernatural, the results will be supernatural. So, we separate man's wisdom gained versus the wisdom of the Holy Spirit imparted suddenly.
The word of wisdom can also be telling forth the future. See, in the infinite wisdom of YHWH, he knows the end from the beginning. He may choose to share a bit of this knowing what is to come to us. So, when a prophet begins to speak of the future, it is the word of wisdom in operation, not the inspirational gift of prophecy.
Remember, those were the inspirational gifts, these are the REVELATION gifts. If something is supernaturally being revealed, it is one of these. As we saw with the example of prophesying, these gifts can operate together, in the same minsistry through the same person.
The third revelation gift is discerning of spirits. This is not the same thing as learning to discern between good and evil, by training ourselves by the Word of YHWH to do so. For one thing, that can be faulty, as if our understanding of the Word is faulty, our conclusion of discerning good and evil can be faulty.
This is when the Holy Spirit causes us to perceive behind the scenes of the earth, into the spirit realm, and know what is going on - which spirit is operating. It could be that you see an evil spirit, hear an evil spirit, know in your spirit that an evil spirit is operating, etc. However it is given, through whatever spiritual sense, it is still discerning of spirits in operation.
Several times I've been looking in the natural and suddenly the Holy Spirit let me see a demonic spirit. The spirit did not turn visible to the natural eyes, but it was like my spiritual eyes and my brain were suddenly connected, unlike usual for us right now, and I could see spirits along with the natural realm I was looking at.
In spiritual warfare or deliverance ministry, the revelation gifts are VERY important. By discerning of spirits we may see a demon attached to someone, enforcing bondage over them. By the word of knowledge we may know it is a spirit of infirmity. By the word of wisdom we may know how to operate right then and there effectively to take authority over it and cast it off the person's life, so they are set free.
Anyone truly called to "deliverance ministry" should be able to flow well in these three gifts, or they are going to find themselves having a lot of problems and frustrations.
The office of Prophet also heavily operates in these revelation gifts, though deliverance ministers do not need to be in the office of the Prophet.
Dreams and visions are also a part of this category, but the dreams and visions should be seen as the vehicle YHWH uses to give us a word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discernment of spirits, or more than one of those working together to reveal things to us. If a vision or dream does not reveal something, it is not prophetic and may just be mental (the imagining of your mind). Spiritual dreams and visions will reveal something you weren't aware of before or naturally.
The Power (signs, wonders, and miracles) Gifts
These gifts are used to work signs, wonders, and miracles, proving the Word true.
The first is gifts of healing. This is pluralized because there are different gifts of healing, not just one, though these many are considered one among the 9 gifts of the Spirit. We see this in operation in Scripture, as Philip mentioned in the book of Acts did not have success getting everyone healed, but primarily those with the palsy and who were lame. He had the gift of healing for those types of infirmity.
Those ministries I've studied about who in modern times have operated heavily in gifts of healing mention how they've experienced this. During the healing revival several decades ago, they noticed that one minister may have great success praying over those with tumors, while another had great success when praying for those who were deaf. The one successful with tumors may not get a single deaf person healed, but almost everyone with a tumor would be instantly healed, and the rest would manifest within days.
They each had different gifts of healing. We are not talking about the prayer of faith that raises up the sick, or the doctrine of laying on of hands so the sick shall recover. All believers may operate in such, and see anyone healed of anything. The gifts of healing is a power tool that brings a specific anointing that drives out specific types of infirmity. This is tangibly felt by the person receiving, and the anointing (usually related to "like electricity went through me") instantly or nearly instantly drives out the problem.
This should show us how much YHWH wants his people healed. He gives so many methods through which the Spirit will heal us, more so than any other thing. We have the option for elders to anoint with oil and pray the prayer of faith over us. We have the option for any other believer to have faith and lay hands on us that we might recover. We have the word of faith concerning healing that we can war against infirmity with until we overcome. And then we have the gifts of healing people in the Body may receive and operate in. YHWH doesn't want us defeated by infirmity, so he as covered this subject thoroughly, with several different ways for us to receive healing from him, if we will only believe and receive.
One way to know what gift(s) of healing you have, if any, is by the word of knowledge gift. If that doesn't come forth directly to you or through another believer speaking it to you, then you may just have to start praying the prayer of faith over the sick, with the laying on of hands and anointing them with oil, and journal which cases you see the greatest results with. For example, you may notice more people with tumors get instantly healed, than for any other thing. That is a good indicator you have a gift of healing that drives out the problem of tumors, setting people free from that type of infirmity. Once you know you have a gift of healing, you can have even more confidence to go forth laying hands on and praying for those with that problem.
If you haven't noticed already, this is designed to foster team work in the Body of Messiah. The problem is that too many are not even trying out for the team so they can work together. If you have compassion for people, you should be driven to ask and receive gifts of healing, so you can be effective in helping those with infirmities. Our love for others should be our motivation, and if we really love others, we aught to greatly desire these gifts.
The second is power to work miracles. This is actually the same Greek word that was used in Acts 1:8 for "power." It is the word dunamis and is where we get the word dynamite from. It is a forceful power, that cannot be resisted. It changes things, period. If things don't change, like BAM, then this gift wasn't operating. For examle, when Yahshua rebuked the storm, it immediately cleared up. The explosive power of the Holy Spirit was released and brought dynamic change quickly.
We may pray for a miracle and there be a delay, but when the anointing of the power to work miracles is finally in operation, things change fast. Water turns into wine. Limbs grow back on human bodies. Grain and oil don't run out, without being naturally replenished. Fish and bread is multiplied. Miracles are basically those things that defy the natural laws such as the laws of physics, laws of biology, laws of chemisty, etc. It goes against the natural order, and supercedes it with the supernatural. For examlpe, the Red Sea does not normally part so people can walk across on dry ground.
This and gifts of healing are primary gifts of the office of the Evangelist. However, others in the body, even those not leaders, may be given these gifts - it is as the Spirit wills.
The third gift in this category is "faith." This not the measure of faith we are given and must exercise. This is a supernatural impartation of the YHWH kind of faith. The best example in my life I can think of, and one of the few times I know for sure this gift was in operation, was when I lived in VA, and was driving down the highway returning home. Suddenly a wall of rain and wind hit me. It jolted the car good, and I found I could no longer see past the hood of the car. I let off the gas, but did not break hard, but I had a peace. Suddenly from inside me this faith came forth that I normally don't have to that degree, and I said, "In the name of 'Jesus' be still!" Immediately the wind and rain stopped and the sun was shining, but only within maybe a mile radius around my location. Walls of dark storm clouds were in a half circle to my left, front, or right, but the portion that I'd run into no longer existed. When I arrived back at our apartment, the entire day and night we were free of any rain or wind, while the rest of the city experienced major violent storms with much damage that evening and night. Our apartment complex wasn't affected at all.
I can't explain that other than the Spirit suddenly imparted to me the supernatural gift of faith. I normally would not have had enough faith to actually rebuke a storm, though Yahshua did as our example.
Messiah's Gifts to Men
Our King has given us gifts as well, but they are not to be confused with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are the gifts given to the Body to equip the saints. Paul mentions them as the Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, and Teacher. The primary function of each of these offices of leadership Messiah gave as gifts to the Body can be done to some degree without being one of these leaders.
The Apostle
For example, the primary function of an Apostle is to be sent forth (the Greek word means "sent one") to found works that grow the Body. Well, there can be missionaries who are sent forth and do this work to a degree without being gifted to the Body as an Apostle of the faith.
Another characteristic of the Apostle is that they tend to operate well in the primary giftings of the other offices as well - in other words, they can usually pastor, evangelize, operate in the prophetic, and teach, very well. Because they found works for the Body, they need to be more well rounded, and do more things well. Though they may go and start disciples in a place, they often will raise up and appoint someone as a Pastor over that flock, before they move on.
The Prophet
Prophets are like the mouth of the Body, proclaiming the NOW Word of YHWH to his people - what he is wanting to say right now, at this time. Prophetic words of course must line up with the past revelations found in Scripture. This helps us know the true Prophets from the Joseph Smith's. Prophets tend to know the heart of YHWH, his very heart beat at a given time, more than others in the Body. You could say they speak from or about the heart of YHWH.
Other believers can do so as well, such as when they prophesy, but as with the Apostle, there is an anointing of authority that comes with the office of Prophet. It is my belief that any true Prophet is able to disciple other believers in the prophetic. Even in the OT they had schools of prophets, that an established and anointed Prophet (such as Samuel, or Elijah) oversaw. They trained others in working in the prophetic, receiving of prophecy, and speaking it forth, and such.
Also, the person in the office of Prophet will carry an anointing that rubs off on others. People that normally don't prophecy may around the person, because the spirit (or anointing) of prophecy that is all over the Prophet, affects those who get around them. The affect is temporary. I've prayed over people who began to suddenly operate in the revelations gifts and prrophsying, and then when they hadn't been around me for a while, they were no longer experiencing that anointing in their own lives. It was never their anointing, it was my anointing rubbing off on them tempoarily.
One girl I laid hands on on a Saturday, found herself so overcome by the prophetic anointing in her church service Sunday morning, that she could not keep quiet. She tried to resist but couldn't, and was literally shaking and crying in her pew. She rushed up to the Pastor of that assembly and told him she had to obey and give a word to the people. He allowed her to speak and it was a brief word. She spoke it, and it created a tremendous buzz in that assembly for weeks (that assembly does not practice seeking and operating in the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit). Many people were touched by it powerfully and went to the Pastor with reports of this and saying, "We want more of this!" The leadership of course did not take them down that road for whatever reason - but the point is that the anointing was obviously in operation that day on her. But, to my knowledge she never prophesied again, or was moved on by that same anointing like that. It wasn't her anointing or gift operating, but someone in an office as a gift of Messiah to the Body had laid hands on her and prophesied over her. I specifically prophesied that the Spirit was going to come on her soon and she would prophesy to the people.
This is scriptural. When King Saul, even in his backslidden state, went to the school of Prophets that Samuel was head of, just getting near them caused him to fall down and start prophesying. He couldn't resist the anointing that was manifesting among the Prophets. People heard of this and questioned, "Is Saul also among the Prophets" or is Saul now a Prophet too?" No, but the anointing of the Prophets had jumped onto him, and caused him to operate in it temporarily, while he was in their presence.
Many times when I lay hands on people, they will begin to have a vision, or have a dream that very night afterward, or will get some revelation while I'm praying over them with the laying on of my hands. I don't know how this works - I just know it happens, frequently. This is because there is an anointing I stand in, as called to a certain office in the Body. That anointing flows down and affects those around me, who get close enough.
The office of Prophet does not mean we go around prophesying non stop and telling everyone the future. It doesn't work that way. We may operate at a certain level in the gifts of the Spirit our office specializes in, but we still can only know and reveal what the Spirit reveals to us. Some people who I had ministered to much in person, and who had gotten closer to me, though I knew everything about them, and it intimidated them, especially if they had sinned - they thought I'd just know for sure. I would explain, "No, I don't know or see everything about you, and I don't want to (that would be a burden), I only know what the Spirit reveals, and he only reveals to me what is needed for ministry at any given time." If the Spirit is not moving on me to reveal something, I'm like everyone else - I only know what I know naturally.
The Evangelist
The true Evangelist will (not might) operate in power gifts (gifts of healing, miraculous power, faith), to prove the Word and Gospel being proclaimed to the people. Anyone doing the work of one, but not displaying these gifts in frequent operation, is not actually walking in the office of Evangelist, though they may be called to and just have refused the power of the Spirit in that manner (due to ignorance, religious tradition, etc.).
Because these guys are on the front lines attacking the kingdom of darkness and getting people translated into the Kingdom of Light, they are prime targets of mass persecution. Benny Hinn is the best example I can think of. He's clearly preaching the scriptural Gospel, with signs, wonders, and miracles following, and he's one of the most persecuted people on earth. Even many religious believers hear the rumors and accusations the enemy has started and persecute him.
We in the rest of the Body should never be foolish enough to participate in slander and gossip and attack people who are on the front lines attacking the kingdom of darkness with the light of the Gospel. Rather, we should pray for and support such men and women who are sacrificing their lives and risking their well being to set other people free from darkness and become a part of the Kingdom of heaven. If you have ever put your mouth against such men or women, repent. That will keep you from receiving fully what the Holy Spirit would give you, because you've grieved the Holy Spirit with your sinful tongue attacking his valued instrument in the earth doing his work.
Like the rest of us, the Evangelist does not need to be perfected already in the flesh to be validated. He may make mistakes, he may not do things how you think he should, he may even "sin" at times. None of that matters. The proof of an Evangelist of the true Gospel is in his WORKS done by the power of the Holy Spirit. It has nothing to do with his own perfection, because he's just like the rest of us - a piece of clay the Potter is still working on.
King David was certainly a man of YHWH. He slipped up and committed two great sins - adultery, and murder. Did that prove he really was never a man of YHWH anointed by the Holy Spirit? Of course not! It proved he was human, of the fallen nature, and fighting the same battle we all fight against that nasty carnal nature that wants to snare us and lead us to death. He let his guard down and BAM, the snare shut on him! Don't get prideful and attack ministers with your mouth who fall into sin. Pray for them, and remember that you need the same grace they do. You also could suddenly find yourself snared one day if you let your guard down. Learn from their mistakes and don't judge them (not your job). Learn that you need to ALWAYS keep your guard up, lest the devil get a foothold at any time in your life to ruin you.
Hyprocrits love to point the finger at everyone but themselves. It makes a hyporcrit feel good to highlight the problems of others that make them imperfect sinners, while making self righteous. Don't be one of those vipers!
As with the other offices, the Evangelist is gifted to impart to the Body. If you want to operate more in gifts of healing, consider learning from and receiving impartation from an Evangelist who does. Impartation can be temporary or permenant. For example, if you go to a meeting of a successful Evangelist, even without him praying for people, the anointing of his office may start causing gifts of healing to start hitting people all over the place, and people getting healed in the audience without even being prayed for. That anointing may attach to you temporarily, and if you pray for the sick you may have more success than normal. Then there is the permenant impartation which is up to YHWH and the Evangelist (or other gift to the Body). If you receive a permenant impartation, you'll continue operating in that anointing and gifting even when well away from the Evangeslist by space or time.
The primary purpose of an Evangelist is to draw people to Messiah, and reveal to them the love and grace of YHWH (such as through acts, such as healing, to prove YHWH is real and active and does love them).
The Pastor
The gift of Pastor is so prescious to the Body. This is the one who has a heart to really lead the sheep, taking care of them, caring for their spiritual well-being. The Pastor's heart is to watch out for preditors, and keep the sheep safe, while leading them in pastures that feed them well and help them grow spiritually. A Pastor can only operate in this properly for the true and eternal benefit of the sheep, when he does so by the Spirit, and not his own understanding. I know plenty of men pastoring who don't know a wolf from a sheep, but think they do, and don't know a green pasture from a desert, but think they do. They are led by their natural understanding, though their heart is right.
If you are a Pastor reading this, please, please, please, beware. You must seek and operate by the supernatural gifting and anointing of the Holy Spirit, to do your job correctly. Otherwise, though you want to help the sheep, you'll end up hurting them, and stunting their growth. The best thing for a Pastor is to not despise the other offices, but let them help him. The Pastor can greatly benefit from allowing true Apostles, Prophets, other Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers, to help him grow in Messiah and get fullness of counsel to know the right way to lead the sheep entrusted to him.
Don't be insecure around the other leaders of the Body, and don't despise them and the gift they are. You need them. Don't be arrogant or a know-it-all. Pastors are very necessary for the sheep, but they don't know-it-all, but that is one of the greatest traps the enemy gets them in, so they will not listen to the other gifts of the Body.
For example, the Prophet might get that the heart of YHWH in a season is such and such. If the Pastor ignores this, he may end up leading his sheep right into a dried up desert with no good nourishment for the sheep, and end up in a full blown sand storm. YHWH works in seasons, and the Prophets know the seasons and how YHWH is moving in them to work among his people. For the Pastor they can act like the weather forecastors, so the Pastor isn't leading sheep into the storms or keeping them out in the open during the middle of a winter season.
Many men are operating in the pastoral function in churches without actually being called and anointed as a Pastor. That is dangerous for both the man and the people of the assembly. In some denominations (most actually), because they do not understand there are 5 offices and all are still valid and needed for the Body today, men who sense a call to ministry (as leaders) are herded into training and ordination for pastoral ministry or missionary work, without being anointed by YHWH for such. That will just lead to frustration for everyone, and or a lack of true spiritual Kingdom building. We don't need assemblies that are social clubs with no real spiritual fruit.
True Pastors are so wonderful for the Body though. We all need to be partaking of a group with a true Pastor, if we want to really grow to our full potential in Messiah. Even if you aren't personally close to the Pastor, in a large assembly, or one of the Pastors (in large assemblies there are often multiple people operating in this gift, with one being the highest ranking in authority), you can still benefit just from the anointing of the Pastor. Don't neglect assembling yourselves together where there is a Pastoral anointing present. It is critical for your well being and growth. Sheep are not meant to be without a shepherd. Messiah is the head Shepherd, but he left and is coming back, and that is why he gave gifts to the Body (the five leadership offices). For now, those gifts do the function he would do if he were with us on the earth.
The primary thing a head Pastor of an assembly does is just be there to tend to the sheep when they are all together (assembling). There may be other people operating in the pastoral gifting under him who minister more on an individual basis in the assembly. In really small groups, this may not be necessary as one Pastor could individually care for each member.
The Pastor provides leadership and makes the final decision of the direction the flock takes. The Apostle that founded a work, if still active in the work, of course outranks any Pastor he put up, and the Apostle also operates pastorally as needed. But, the Pastor is the head authority over the local assembly. This is why it is so important this be a humble man who will glean from the other gifts in the Body, and listen to the prophetic voices in the Body. Because his decision is the final decision, as the head of the assembly, he can either lead a whole congregation to good pasture, or bad. Whole lots of sheep can be affected by one Pastor. He should take this responsibility very seriously and soberly, and be one who constantly visits the prayer closet and seeks advice from the other leaders in the Body, to make good, wise, and fruitful decisions for his sheep.
The Teacher
The gift of Teacher to the Body is not simply anyone who can or does teach Scripture. Those anointed as Teacher will have authority that a non-leader teaching member of the Body does not have. Those anointed to be this gift to the Body will excel greatly in taking from Scripture and helping others in the Body understand the principles and issues. The other offices may teach to a degree, or preach, but the Teacher is especially anointed and stands apart as being head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to teaching the Body scriptural truths.
This anointing in my experiences causes light bulbs to start going off in your understanding. If you know of a ministry that is able to expound on Scripture to you, and light bulbs start going off when you hear or read their work, they are anointed as a Teacher in the Body. It does the Body well to take such teaching very seriously, and feast on it. There can be no value put on those light bulbs going off in your understanding. Scripture tells us that in all our getting, we should get understanding. Understanding is what makes knowledge useful and powerful. Knowledge of itself is useless. It only becomes useful when you know how to use it.
A true Teacher can help you finally become a doer of the Word in some way, because you finally understand the knowledge you have from Scripture. This helps us become fruitful members, bearing much fruit for the Kingdom.
The primary duty of a Teacher is to be like a mother or father bird, who chews up the food, and regirgitates it into the mouths of the little chicks. The Teacher takes from Scripture, chews on it, breaking it into smaller and more easily digested parts, and then feeds it to the people. Along with that practical side, the anointing of the Teacher starts causing the light to shine where it wasn't before, in the understanding.
Some people don't want to understand or they need other ministry to get set free from some bondage causing spiritual and mental blindness. I've known of men who had a great anointing as Teacher, but then someone read or hear there work and go, "I don't get it." The Teacher isn't everything in the Body, just one ministry type. Often believers need to be ministered to in other ways to get set free in their minds, to even be able to fully benefit from the Teacher's ministry.
Consider that Yahshua is our primary example of all of the offices, including Teacher. He was THE Teacher on earth nearly 2000 years ago. Yet they couldn't understand him. I read what he said and it seems plain and easy to understand to me, but the problem was that the god of this world had them blinded. They were spiritually blind, and their mind was in gross darkness. Thus, they couldn't understand spiritual Kingdom things, whether he told them in a parable, or plainly in their language exactly what he meant without symbolism.
Pay attention to whether it is a certain subject matter or not that you can't seem to understand, no matter how good the Teacher at teaching. There may be a bondage the enemy has in your life causing blindness in that area, so that you cannot see the light and understand. If you struggle like this in some area, pray. Ask your Father in heaven for help, to lead you to freedom from what is binding you and keeping you from the light.
The true Teachers are the ones in the Body who have the true authority to establish proper doctrine. Like Pastors or any others, if the Teacher is called and chosen for that office, but doesn't stay filled with the Holy Spirit, and led by the Spirit, he can miss it too, and get doctrine and understanding of Scripture wrong.
All Leaders
All of the leaders in the Body, regardless of office, need to seek diligently every day to be senstitive to the Holy Spirit and be led and empowered by him. When we fail to do this, our error becomes error of many people in the Body. We need to always be seeking and getting the direction for our ministry from headquarters (heaven).
We need each other, both as leaders, and all members of the Body. The different leadership offices need each other - we balance each other out, and help each other see the bigger picture. We are more powerful cooperating, than when we let the enemy get us divided.
Whether one of the five primary ministry leaders or not, we need to seek to partake with each ministry gift type. We need the Apostles for foundation to stand on in faith, causing us to be planted in the Rock of our salvation, immovable. We need the Prophets to provide vision and direction, season by season. We need the Evangelists to help the Body expand and grow. We need Pastors to shepherd us, watching out for us, and helping us stay fed up and safe from harm. We need Teachers to help us better understand the principles of the Word so we may operate thereby and bear much fruit for the Kingdom.
All of the primary points of this article are found in Scripture. I have not taken up space here pasting in quotes. Be a Berean and search Scripture yourself to find out if these things be true.